Success Stories

Success Story: Emotional Context Learning — Using Phrases Correctly Without Actively Learning Them Or Knowing What They Actually Mean

This entry is part 8 of 12 in the series Secrets of Speaking

This entry is part 8 of 12 in the series Secrets of SpeakingAJATTeer Jake C shares this little story of how he learned how to use certain Japanese words and phrases before he knew what they actually  (literally) meant, because he was aware of their emotional content. I have had similar experiences myself in both…

The Inverse Relationship Between AJATT Pwnage and Classroom Winnage

“Human intelligence is among the most fragile things in nature. It doesn’t take much to distract it, suppress it, or even annihilate it.” ~ Neil Postman Jack shares his perspective, reached through bitter experience, on what he quite elegantly calls “The Inverse Relationship Between AJATT Pwnage and Classroom Winnage”: Hey Khatz, I’ve just finished semester…