…Not really. Not yet, anyway. But, see, the thing is, this site was written as a blog. Which was nice in terms of allowing it to be written incrementally, but sucky for reading once it got really big. It definitely needed some logical linearization (rather than the chronological kind that comes by default). So here…
Yearly Archives: 2008
Japanese Websites: Buying A Region-Free DVD Player
by khatzumoto
Hey, so, lately I’ve been looking for a portable, region-free DVD player…Don’t know if I’ll end up actually choosing one or not. But anyway, I used these websites to do some (well, all) of the research. And they’re in Japanese. And it seemed like it would make great reading material. So here are the links:…
Saying Yes to YesAsia: Free Worldwide Shipping + PayPal + Wide Selection = Smiles
by khatzumoto
Hey…how’s it going? Looking forward to any blockbusters this summer? Me too. But back on topic. So, there’s this store called YesAsia, and they’ve been around for a while, but I never really took them seriously back then. Maybe it was because, unlike Amazon, product reviews by users were so few and far between, and…
Not to get you excited way ahead of time or anything, but…
by khatzumoto
Yeah…it’s coming. Soon. “Soon” being Japanese for “at an indeterminate time in the geologically near future”. Explosions, action, fast-paced hip music. Save that for other movies. This one just has me in it. And that, friends…is enough. Khatzumoto: The Movie. Presented in ultra high-definition flash video and shot using the latest two-year-old Japanese cellphone technology.…
by khatzumoto
相変わらず新しいネタに噛み付くのが遅い俺なんだけど、まあ、其れは其れで取り敢えずコレ観ろよ! 久々に笑わせてくれるていうか、観るに値する番組が世に出たって感じ。実はホンマにずーっと悩んでた。「せっかく日本語学んじゃったのに、結局オモロいモノ(本・番組)無いもん」って。この「金卵」に救われて感謝、感謝。「サウスパーク」並みの極上馬鹿喜劇なので、超勉強になるかと思いますぅ。独学者の皆様に是非お薦めしもす。
Just Because It’s Not Painful, That Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Learning
by khatzumoto
It seems to me that a lot of people may be concerned that adding pictures to SRS sentence items (just as they were concerned with adding stories to SRS kanji items) would make things too “easy”. Well folks, if in doubt, give your SRS items to someone who’s never had any exposure to kanji and…