So, I have a BIG ego, and do LOTS of ego-surfing. I should make an RSS feed of my self-googling. And during my daily, no, hourly session of ego-surfing, it came to my attention that I had not quite made clear just what I meant by “fluency” after 18 months. In a word, my fluency…
Yearly Archives: 2008
Spaced Repetition Goes Mainstream?
by khatzumoto
Jon B at 無国籍/Mukokuseki links to this Wired Magazine article on SuperMemo. This is really exciting stuff. In my own little way, I’ve been trying to spread the word about SRS (spaced repetition systems) as tools since a man named Chris Houser first told me about SuperMemo way back in 2004. As one quite aptly…
Chinese Project Notes 10: Big Developments (Anki, Text-To-Speech, Cantonese, Victory Calendar)
by khatzumoto
うっす. So, it’s been a while since I posted one of these, but anyway here we are all the way at #10. I’m going to try to keep this one short (I’m not just saying that!) because these suuuuuuuuuuuck to edit afterwards. Actually, they’re a lot better since I started using Microsoft Word a word processor…
Chinese Project Notes 9.5.1: Status Report/Getting Through To People
by khatzumoto
Big thanks to Mark for that Disney phone directory! So, I called the dubbing department, the Disney Department of Dubbing, and spoke to a lady named D-star (not kidding…all D’s). D-star was really nice but said she had no clue about exact transcripts, since they are handled locally (French in France, Chinese in China, etc).…
Chinese Project Notes 9.5: Getting Exact Movie Dialog Transcripts for Japanese and Chinese
by khatzumoto
OK, I’ve had it! There’s got to be a way of getting a copy of exactly what was said in a movie. I could go through some movies myself, painstakingly copy down every word of dialog, and then post it here, but who wants to do that, when: 1) There may or may not be…
by khatzumoto
いつも通りのネットサーフィン(おググり)がてらに、「まったり冗長」っていうブログにてこの記事を。ブログ全体は文体も内容も個性的で面黒いから、是非ご覧あれ。 漢字ヲタでもある拙者に刺激を与えて呉れる内容ばかり。特にこれ: 『むしろN○Kが「洪水」をテロップで 「こう水」と表記したりしてる方がよっぽど問題かと。全然難しくねぇだろ。』 ドカーーーーーン!大同感!! 阿呆かっ、NHK?!(然様、俺は堂々と名前を申すゾ!)やっぱ阿呆だナァ。なんか、「昆虫」を「こん虫」、「寡夫」を「か夫」、「改竄」を「改ざん」、「哺乳類」を「ほ乳類」などと表記しやがて、「っざっけんなよ!」と申させる場面が多い。NHKって、イイ所(例を挙げれば:「サラリーマンNEO」)もあれば、とんでもなく阿呆らしい所も無きにしも非ず。まあ、NHKというより文部科学省かも知れんが。おっと、政府批判しちゃった。 「でも『改竄』が難しいよ!」とかホザく方もいらっしゃるでしょうが、拙者が存じるに、いわゆる「難しさ」は、使用を忌避する原因ではなく、寧ろその結果なんだ。使ったら人に覚えられる。使わないと死語(死字)になる。だからGHQみたいに日本国民を蔑まずドンドン漢字使えっつーの!ってか、ホンマに字が難しいと判断したら振り仮名でも振ったら、振り仮名? それじゃ、短い内容でスイマシェン(ていうか、済むけど(笑))。また今度ね!