- Use as much sugar as you need to make the medicine go down. Use more sugar than medicine if you want. #
- If you want to learn how to write business emails in Japanese, then get this book. It’s funbun (for-native-by-native)
bit.ly/8jjbLD # - I didn’t actually coin the word “funbun”, by the way. These boys did.
bit.ly/8GRRZM # - I didn’t actually coin the word “funbun”, by the way. These boys did.
Link fixed 😀 # - What is the smallest useful thing you can do? #
- You can spend your time arguing with people or you can spend your time winning at life, but you can’t do both. So choose one 😀 . #
- A lot of people have a lot to say about a lot of things. Generally, just ignore them and do whatever you were going to do anyway. #
- What is the easiest useful thing you can do? #
- Stop dealing in hours. There are only like 8760 a year. ‘Can’t just go throwing them around. Work with minutes. Like, 3 at a time. #
- 一々五月蠅えぇよ、オバマ大統領は生まれてからアメリカ国民じゃないなんてホザく奴は。第一、母親が米国民である以上、自動的に米国籍を取得するからバカヤロコノヤローメ。血統主義&出生地主義両方通用するんですから~。残念! #
- YouTube – HI-D – Girlfriends feat. ZEEBRA bit.ly/5mtveR #
- To paraphrase Drewskie: you may not know if you’re biting off more than you can chew, but the timebox does. #
- YouTube: DOPING PANDA – majestic trancer feat.VERBAL(m-flo)
PINK!!! # - RT @Akira117 The problem with self study is the other cars in the race have flames painted on them. Too bad most of [them] have never won. #
- Human audio on SRS cards is definitely worth the extra time/effort in Cantonese. Will post on it in the near future. #
- You wouldn’t eat candy without taking out of the wrapper, would you? Then why would you follow AJATT without changing some parts? #
- I just bought sushi from a man named 小林 — how Japanese is THAT!!? #
- 小林=ザ一番カッコイイ苗字 #
- Saying to yourself: “I’m going to study for an hour” is the #1 guaranteed way to get no studying done whatsoever. Say no to hours. #
- うぜぇんだよ普通に(笑)
YouTube – Cantonese lazy tongue pronunciation 1 bit.ly/5pT5hT # - There is nothing conceptually easier in this world than learning languages. All you have to do is plagiarize. No smarts required. #
- Language-learning is theft. The less creative you are, the more you copy and steal from native speakers, the better you will get. #
- How to be a genius – New Scientist
bit.ly/8F6jja # - “I get around like 寿司 on a 回転!”
YouTube – m-flo / How You Like Me Now? bit.ly/7xLw2g # - What is the smallest positive thing you can do? #
- 今日(厳密に言うと昨日だが)「アバター」の日本語吹替え版観て来た。やっぱり凄いわ。内容的にも、映像的にも申し分無しというか、小泉の如く感動した。刺激の余り、終了後一時間ぐらいは言葉が詰まってた訳。やるじゃん、ジェーキャ。 #
- Santa Ponta’s Journey – a Japanese-English Bilingual Story | JapanNewbie bit.ly/5RGqzI #
- A blogger (somewhat unwittingly?) discusses the chunking phenomenon.
“Language Cache or Processing Speed?”
bit.ly/6Jc1Fg # - 「辞書引き学習」って・・・言うじゃな~い bit.ly/4zNob4 Me likey. #
- Goals should be things that you *want*. So don’t think of how you *have* to get reach them, think of how you *get* to reach them. #
- ‘ I have little patience with the phrase “I can’t.” It usually just means “I won’t.” ‘
@kailahana # - 「東京大学大学院工学系研究科航空宇宙工学専攻准教授」
Try THAT in 羅馬字。
No, wait…don’t. 😛
bit.ly/73PwJM # - 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者 開発者
bit.ly/6KdTIR # - Fun movie 😀
YouTube – 愛情呼叫轉移 徐崢+寧靜(Call For Love) bit.ly/7fVRG1 # - 疲れるね、英語使ってると・・・
ワックな奴らが有り余っててさ(笑) # - “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is acce (cont) tl.gd/340cf #
- スピーチ 「アイデアの3ステップ」:とむさとうのコラム集 “ すべての真実は、3つの段階を経ていく。
最後には自明の真実として受け入れられるのである。” bit.ly/6zYAyW # - “By the inch, it’s a cinch;
by the yard, it’s hard;
by the mile it’s a trial!”
bit.ly/4LjRgl # - MP4 FLV 動画再生 フリーソフト | GOM PLAYER FTW! 【ゴムプレイヤー】 bit.ly/4sHMzW #
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