- @nac_est 閲覧装置は持ってるけど、実際に日本語表記の電子書籍がちゃんと出回ってるのかというと、答えは「ノー」っていうか、「皆無に近い」。だからI'm just 単なるgetting my hardcopy books scanned @一冊100~200円 in reply to nac_est #
- @nac_est しかもDRM大ッッッッッッッッッッ嫌い。著作権保護で血眼になって合法な事まで不可能にするなっつーの!(笑)
なので逆に・・・なんつーの・・・こうして「半ば自炊」の電子本を使用するように強いられても悪くないかも。 in reply to nac_est # - @nac_est 詳しくはこちら・・・って、言うじゃな~い?BOOKSCAN(ブックスキャン) 低価格・書籍スキャンサービス – 大和印刷 bit.ly/9c6ZWs in reply to nac_est #
- 苛々苛々しゃいませ~!(笑) #
- Book describes how to use operant conditioning techniques on yourself and others. Author is a cat trainer amzn.to/c0oqZP #
- If you can learn the smallest amount of Japanese, then you can learn it all. Just repeat repeat repeat the small process. #
- "1. Break the big thing into the smallest units possible
2. Make each unit as fun as possible" | NDN bit.ly/d4iILu # - Focus on developing the practice habit, even when your gear still sucks. The practice habit will make you great, not the gear. #
- ?iPad????Atomic Web Browser?Safari??????? – iPad Mod – tinyurl.com/2ct3hol #
- 貴族院 (イギリス) – Wikipedia bit.ly/bOx4GC #
- 庶民院 – Wikipedia bit.ly/9vwqv5 #
- "we may be rehearsing how to speak as we are listening, even when we do not need to speak out loud" bit.ly/avrUOo #
- "learners of a second language should strive to map new words and sentences directly to meaning" bit.ly/avrUOo #
- "to be vague when one needs to be and very specific when this is called for, is a valuable skill" bit.ly/avrUOo #
- "Whale Whores(『鯨戦争』『ホエール・ウォーズ』を意味するWhale Warsと同音、whoreは売春婦を意味する蔑称)はアメリカのアニメ、サウスパーク第13シーズン第11話のエピソードである。" bit.ly/cL3mBu #
- "文章を耳から入れることの大切さ" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- 20世紀少年 – Wikipedia bit.ly/bJNYU4 #
- 映画「20世紀少年 <最終章> ぼくらの旗」 公式サイト bit.ly/d3bxAS #
- 中井和哉 – Wikipedia "『サムライチャンプルー』のムゲン" bit.ly/aXbOgt #
- "雅子妃 菊花王朝的囚徒" bit.ly/atXILc | 博客來書籍館 #
- "アップルとアドビが喧嘩中" bit.ly/cphfta #
- Psycho-Cybernetics
by Maxwell Maltz M.D. F.I.C.S
amzn.to/anLAp0 # - This free file renamer program OWNS. Handles Japanese, Chinese and European languages | Flexible Renamer bit.ly/a8MWDb #
- Everyone gives crappy advice from time-to-time. Especially me. Take it all…cum grano salis. 😛 …I thought salt was crystals. #
- YouTube – 王雪妮 | 高璐 bit.ly/c4rvXC #
- "ザ・リアル・フォークブルース" bit.ly/c4KE0H #
- Just because you're smart enough to do 100% that doesn't mean it's worth the effort. #
- Our world is filled with "smart people" who think that anything < 100% = 0, and "dumb" people who chill and get things 80% done #
- Do what you can, when you can, where you are. It's that simple. Don't go looking for pain: never works, never helps. #immersion #
- Do small things. Small things don't just add up, they multiply. Best of all, you never get worn out: they're too small for that. #
- Big things are easy to schedule but small things actually get done. Better to do small things ad hoc than to plan out big nevers. #
- Good question to ask yourself: "how can I make this so small that I don't even feel it?" #immersion #
- In any field, I find there's an inverse relationship between how little someone values small steps and how much they achieve #
- The irony of language-learning: you do need (maybe) to care enough to act, but not care so much that no action is good enough #
- これ、ちょっと凄いね|"一見、ただのビニールバッグのようですが、その耐熱温度はなんと260℃。100%テフロン素材で出来ており、様々な料理をポップアップトースターを使って作ることを叶えたトースターバッグです。 " amzn.to/cFVVXe #
- You cannot will not ever work toward your goal AND worry at the same time. So pick one. #
- YouTube – A growth mindset about our talents and abilities: psychologist Carol Dweck bit.ly/bNOwpc #
- YouTube – Carol Dweck, Growth Mindsets and Motivation bit.ly/8YzCM3 #
- "It's not in my genes" bit.ly/aH8czh #
- And finally…(the other) MJ on failure…
bit.ly/bvmniu # - "世の中、語学と言うとすぐに「英会話」ですが、全く馬鹿げていると思います。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- @Jaybot7 Hehe. Well, now you're adding to the SRS out of desire instead of duty :P, which hopefully is…more fun? #fitfactstotheory in reply to Jaybot7 #
- YouTube – 連環泡-梁家輝 金燕玲 秦沛訪問 bit.ly/daSLs8 #
- Before you do your best, first you just have to do. #immersion #
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