- @PocketBanana It's only for ppl who bought, like, the QRG and stuff before a certain date 😀 hehe #
- "一度に大きな効果を得ようとすると、その効果を生み出す資源を失ってしまうことがある。"
bit.ly/iaInBc # - Elias Fotinis DeskPins :: Make Any Window Topmost bit.ly/hsIy4C #
- YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – Coming Soon bit.ly/fNW04R bit.ly/i8uW4d #
- TextMaster – count number of words, sentences and characters online while writing. Covert text to upper, to lower case. bit.ly/enBzSV #
- Finish lines. Boundaries. Stopping points. Have them. Use them. → Tony Schwartz bit.ly/e7o8uO #timeboxing #
- There is no critical period. There's just a period where no one makes you read Eleanor Jorden textbooks. #cheapshot #
- New at AJATT Plus: Real Japanese Email: Frisbee Practice Ca… plus.ajatt.com/real-japanese-email-frisbee-practice-canceled-tomorrow #
- There are no skills, there are only habits. #
- @ishikawajun @misoka09 パジャマ姿外出万歳!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ #
- "any idiot can do it" bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- Even stupid people in Japan know (and can read) Japanese 😀 . #
- "feel free to watch cheesy Japanese TV shows all day long — it’s actually good for you!" bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- "manga-ized classic literature" bit.ly/i3mnwq #
- "Western literature and historical books turned into [Japanese] manga!" bit.ly/i3mnwq #
- Stop looking for bogus "scientific" excuses to not even try. #criticalperiod #
- "Doing a 1 1/2 hour SRS marathon when I got home every day actually discouraged me from wanting to do it." bit.ly/dM8XoP #
- 我為什麼不擔心日本的核泄漏事件——美國MIT核能專家的看法(獨家中文版)-哲 設計-搜狐空間 bit.ly/hFkwop #
- "福島原発事故-簡潔で正確な解説(日本語訳)" bit.ly/guzwUO #
- 原子力安全・保安院 情報ホームページ bit.ly/gjguua #
- Don't be right, just have fun. #methodarguments #
- New at AJATT Plus: Frequency Lists and MCDs: A Powerful Combination plus.ajatt.com/using-frequency-lists-and-mcds #
- 原子力安全・保安院 情報ホームページ "1.原子力発電所関係
・2号機中央制御室の照明が復帰(26日16:46)" bit.ly/dE6k0s # - 原子力安全・保安院 時情報ホームページ "<飲食物への指示>
・制限範囲:乳児" bit.ly/fmHf9o # - "The fact is, you *don’t* see results. They just happen." bit.ly/eRYN7r #
- YouTube – edison chen – sigh hei bit.ly/hyuWzy #
- YouTube – edison chen – sigh hei bit.ly/fi81GN | sweet part of a sweet song #
- YouTube – Impossible – 陈冠希 bit.ly/gDBHH1 #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 不可能完整版MV Edison bit.ly/9mdyi9 #
- Do easy things that move you forward #immersion #anchors #
- YouTube – Joey Yung (容祖兒) – 心花怒放(KTV) bit.ly/90fbSH #
- Don't be right. Just win. #methodarguments #
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AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-03-27
by khatzumoto
- @PocketBanana It's only for ppl who bought, like, the QRG and stuff before a certain date 😀 hehe #
- "一度に大きな効果を得ようとすると、その効果を生み出す資源を失ってしまうことがある。"
bit.ly/iaInBc # - Elias Fotinis DeskPins :: Make Any Window Topmost bit.ly/hsIy4C #
- YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – Coming Soon bit.ly/fNW04R bit.ly/i8uW4d #
- TextMaster – count number of words, sentences and characters online while writing. Covert text to upper, to lower case. bit.ly/enBzSV #
- Finish lines. Boundaries. Stopping points. Have them. Use them. → Tony Schwartz bit.ly/e7o8uO #timeboxing #
- There is no critical period. There's just a period where no one makes you read Eleanor Jorden textbooks. #cheapshot #
- New at AJATT Plus: Real Japanese Email: Frisbee Practice Ca… plus.ajatt.com/real-japanese-email-frisbee-practice-canceled-tomorrow #
- There are no skills, there are only habits. #
- @ishikawajun @misoka09 パジャマ姿外出万歳!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ #
- "any idiot can do it" bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- Even stupid people in Japan know (and can read) Japanese 😀 . #
- "feel free to watch cheesy Japanese TV shows all day long — it’s actually good for you!" bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- "manga-ized classic literature" bit.ly/i3mnwq #
- "Western literature and historical books turned into [Japanese] manga!" bit.ly/i3mnwq #
- Stop looking for bogus "scientific" excuses to not even try. #criticalperiod #
- "Doing a 1 1/2 hour SRS marathon when I got home every day actually discouraged me from wanting to do it." bit.ly/dM8XoP #
- 我為什麼不擔心日本的核泄漏事件——美國MIT核能專家的看法(獨家中文版)-哲 設計-搜狐空間 bit.ly/hFkwop #
- "福島原発事故-簡潔で正確な解説(日本語訳)" bit.ly/guzwUO #
- 原子力安全・保安院 情報ホームページ bit.ly/gjguua #
- Don't be right, just have fun. #methodarguments #
- New at AJATT Plus: Frequency Lists and MCDs: A Powerful Combination plus.ajatt.com/using-frequency-lists-and-mcds #
- 原子力安全・保安院 情報ホームページ "1.原子力発電所関係
・2号機中央制御室の照明が復帰(26日16:46)" bit.ly/dE6k0s # - 原子力安全・保安院 時情報ホームページ "<飲食物への指示>
・制限範囲:乳児" bit.ly/fmHf9o # - "The fact is, you *don’t* see results. They just happen." bit.ly/eRYN7r #
- YouTube – edison chen – sigh hei bit.ly/hyuWzy #
- YouTube – edison chen – sigh hei bit.ly/fi81GN | sweet part of a sweet song #
- YouTube – Impossible – 陈冠希 bit.ly/gDBHH1 #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 不可能完整版MV Edison bit.ly/9mdyi9 #
- Do easy things that move you forward #immersion #anchors #
- YouTube – Joey Yung (容祖兒) – 心花怒放(KTV) bit.ly/90fbSH #
- Don't be right. Just win. #methodarguments #
Leave a Reply
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-03-27
by khatzumoto
- @PocketBanana It's only for ppl who bought, like, the QRG and stuff before a certain date 😀 hehe #
- "一度に大きな効果を得ようとすると、その効果を生み出す資源を失ってしまうことがある。"
bit.ly/iaInBc # - Elias Fotinis DeskPins :: Make Any Window Topmost bit.ly/hsIy4C #
- YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – Coming Soon bit.ly/fNW04R bit.ly/i8uW4d #
- TextMaster – count number of words, sentences and characters online while writing. Covert text to upper, to lower case. bit.ly/enBzSV #
- Finish lines. Boundaries. Stopping points. Have them. Use them. → Tony Schwartz bit.ly/e7o8uO #timeboxing #
- There is no critical period. There's just a period where no one makes you read Eleanor Jorden textbooks. #cheapshot #
- New at AJATT Plus: Real Japanese Email: Frisbee Practice Ca… plus.ajatt.com/real-japanese-email-frisbee-practice-canceled-tomorrow #
- There are no skills, there are only habits. #
- @ishikawajun @misoka09 パジャマ姿外出万歳!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ #
- "any idiot can do it" bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- Even stupid people in Japan know (and can read) Japanese 😀 . #
- "feel free to watch cheesy Japanese TV shows all day long — it’s actually good for you!" bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- "manga-ized classic literature" bit.ly/i3mnwq #
- "Western literature and historical books turned into [Japanese] manga!" bit.ly/i3mnwq #
- Stop looking for bogus "scientific" excuses to not even try. #criticalperiod #
- "Doing a 1 1/2 hour SRS marathon when I got home every day actually discouraged me from wanting to do it." bit.ly/dM8XoP #
- 我為什麼不擔心日本的核泄漏事件——美國MIT核能專家的看法(獨家中文版)-哲 設計-搜狐空間 bit.ly/hFkwop #
- "福島原発事故-簡潔で正確な解説(日本語訳)" bit.ly/guzwUO #
- 原子力安全・保安院 情報ホームページ bit.ly/gjguua #
- Don't be right, just have fun. #methodarguments #
- New at AJATT Plus: Frequency Lists and MCDs: A Powerful Combination plus.ajatt.com/using-frequency-lists-and-mcds #
- 原子力安全・保安院 情報ホームページ "1.原子力発電所関係
・2号機中央制御室の照明が復帰(26日16:46)" bit.ly/dE6k0s # - 原子力安全・保安院 時情報ホームページ "<飲食物への指示>
・制限範囲:乳児" bit.ly/fmHf9o # - "The fact is, you *don’t* see results. They just happen." bit.ly/eRYN7r #
- YouTube – edison chen – sigh hei bit.ly/hyuWzy #
- YouTube – edison chen – sigh hei bit.ly/fi81GN | sweet part of a sweet song #
- YouTube – Impossible – 陈冠希 bit.ly/gDBHH1 #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 不可能完整版MV Edison bit.ly/9mdyi9 #
- Do easy things that move you forward #immersion #anchors #
- YouTube – Joey Yung (容祖兒) – 心花怒放(KTV) bit.ly/90fbSH #
- Don't be right. Just win. #methodarguments #