- 181736.jpg (580×442) bit.ly/mdVpO1 #万引き #lol via #silverspoon #
- 日本語インプット bit.ly/e9A7Ga #
- YouTube – Funny Japanese commercial bit.ly/iAueIW #
- "It is by tiny steps that we ascend the stars."
— Jack Leedstrom #timeboxing # - ミチオ・カク – Wikipedia "加來 道雄" bit.ly/ikV4uJ #
- "Whatever your age, if you continue to stretch your brain, you can be sure it will rise to the challenge"
bbc.in/ldFfr7 # - YouTube – 2009 世陸 女子 4×400mリレー 決勝 アメリカ bit.ly/lc6pRL #
- マリア・ムトラ – Wikipedia bit.ly/k30Fxs #
- 瑪麗亞‧穆托拉 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/lWENMT #
- "映畫の「パルプフィクション」のように最高に悪趣味な內容なのに、物語の展開が面白すぎるので最後まで惹きつけられる。" amzn.to/iuohhT #
- Ghost World 日本語版 [コミック]ダニエル・クロウズ (著)
amzn.to/k6xNkE # - "アメリカに留學していた2008年後半、通っていた學校の先生が
感動が忘れられなくて、帰國後アメリカから取り寄せて買っちゃった。" bit.ly/kMezpY # - "アメリカの漫畫って、面白さだけ重視してクオリティー低そう…って
しっかりついてる。" bit.ly/kMezpY # - "アメリカ人でもこんなに繊細な微妙な心情を
持ってるんだって思った(笑)" bit.ly/kMezpY #lol # - @tomoakiyama トモ先生、久しぶり(^^)。いや、考え方っちゅうより、軽い妄想癖かな(苦笑)。天下統一ってか・・・亜細亜統一ってか・・・ #
- As long as you're moving, you're winning. Every moment on the move is a moment of victory. #immersion #SRS #
- YouTube – 2009世陸 男子棒高跳 決勝 沢野大地 bit.ly/j36mvu #
- YouTube – 2009世陸 200m 決勝 ウサイン・ボルト bit.ly/kqBxhm #
- ウサイン・ボルト – Wikipedia bit.ly/k5QrRP #
- ウサイン・ボルト – Wikipedia "子供時代は將來クリケット選手になりたかったと言っていて、10代前半まで活動していた[7]。12歳頃から陸上を本格的に始める。" bit.ly/k5QrRP #
- If you have the time to come up with theories about why you suck then you have the time to STFU and train. #immersion #SRS #
- パソコン見放す20代「下流」攜帯族:FACTA online bit.ly/jUMfjV #
- 中國評論新聞:科學解讀《盜夢空間》讀取夢境未來或能實現 bit.ly/jd4xhd #inception #
- キッズサイエンティスト【ヒッグス粒子と質量】 bit.ly/iuIeGp #
- Call It Life vol.2 " ゲームになった映畫たち" bit.ly/kK5sPm #
- Start a Language Monolingually? « Life, as inspired by AJATT bit.ly/mFRNc4 #
- Domination of Latin-Scripted [or any] Language[s] « Life, as inspired by AJATT bit.ly/jzaVrd #
- 山のおもむき 日が伸びたね♪ bit.ly/iRcgpj #cats #
- <讀書小札>Richard Koch-80/20法則 – 字裡行間 – udn部落格 bit.ly/mlivFr #
- 皇帝の研究 "皇帝パルパティーンやスター・ウォーズに関する研究を発表するコーナーです。" bit.ly/jZX8Ne #
- YouTube – CHAPPE TV セイン・カミュ氏インタビュー『現代狂言』 bit.ly/jSjhTv #gaijin #japanese #bellygood #offensive #hashtags #
- 映畫『もしドラ』の劇場がガラガラ / ネットの聲「まず映畫製作者がマネジメント読め」 – ロケットニュース24(β) bit.ly/jwVlH0 #hidoi #dokuzetsu 😀 #
- 西田 宗千佳のPostscript: 電子書籍関連の新著が出ます bit.ly/mve5eG #
- ぽつりぽつり 崩れてしまった町の読み方 bit.ly/lcI22A #
- ぽつりぽつり 崩れてしまった町の読み方 " 「○○町ってどう読むの?。○○まち、それとも○○ちょう?」
" bit.ly/lcI22A # - TECH SE7EN "想像以上にでかいコントローラー、Wii次世代機「Wii U」発表" bit.ly/j6oKIy #
- 『WIRED'サイトがプレオープン | WIRED VISION bit.ly/lBWr41 #
- "They don't have a keigo problem, they have a basic literacy/fluency problem brought about by a lack of exposure" bit.ly/kudRDm #
- "Step one. Get fluent through immersion…
Step two. Polish." bit.ly/kudRDm # - @arimuraryutarou lol #
- YouTube – Minho The SHINee World – Rap Part bit.ly/jODPQ5 #
- YouTube – [Fanvid] : Minho Rap Collection (all albums) bit.ly/kd6vbM #
- YouTube – SHINee(샤이니) _ RingDingDong(링딩동) _ MusicVideo bit.ly/mxa6oK #
- YouTube – Rap (korea) bit.ly/jPvD0k #
- YouTube – Rap (korea) bit.ly/jPvD0k
ádádád #exceedingly #gangsta 😀 # - YouTube – Hyori-Hey Girl bit.ly/jpremk #
- "What works the best is books designed for children in that language." bit.ly/iTSN7F #
- La stratégie de la petite soeur pour énerver son grand frère | Tropiques Japonaises bit.ly/mcsyTa #
- "Add some "reward cards" with a link to a youtube video, instructions to eat an M&M…" bit.ly/lNK5PD #kanji #SRS #
- "there's nothing you can lose by deferring one thing of value for another thing of value" bit.ly/lNK5PD #sayNoToBoredom #
- Keep doing boring things. It's great: you'll suffer; you'll build character, and it's the fastest way to become a *former* Japanese speaker. #
- "things we normally hate—work, school…suddenly feel a little fun when we get them in only small doses" #timeboxing bit.ly/kp16lq #
- If you don't have a fun SRS deck, you'll very soon have no SRS deck at all. Oh, you'll have data. But not a living deck. #boredomkills #
- "ファイト、おう!" bit.ly/iqZwal #
- "You can cram for tests, but you can't cram languages." bit.ly/mdHxSh #
- "I definitely wasted too much money on things that would have been better spent on real media." bit.ly/jp8rju #
- クレヨンしんちゃんのまんがことばことわざ辭典 (クレヨンしんちゃんのなんでも百科シリーズ) by 永野 重史 t.co/RIKKmK7 via #ajattplus #
- "These books do have useful content, but that content is better learned from the inside." bit.ly/jp8rju #immersion #
- "it[']s nice to finally have some direction and [a] concrete goal in mind." bit.ly/mHFFcB #
- 財団法人 日本漢字能力検定協會 bit.ly/kcYmHM #
- 漢検CBT 財団法人 日本漢字能力検定協會 bit.ly/jeeF6W #
- "The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."
— Mary Pickford #immersion # - "…for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down."
— Mary Pickford # - Enjoying Terminator 4 in #Mandarin Last year, I watched the pants of this thing. It got stale. Now it's fresh again 😀 #immersion #
- 終結者4 – Google 搜尋 bit.ly/iKSIwU #t4salvation #
- @curryisyummy Yes. It's on the table 😀 #
- YouTube – 村上幸史 in ベルリン j.mp/jBQaoB #
- YouTube – マイケル・ジョンソン 400メートル 世界新記錄(43秒18) j.mp/kGTjKV #
- YouTube – 熊井友理奈 100メートル走 j.mp/mf6xTM #
- YouTube – 2009年世界陸上100m ウサイン・ボルトまた世界新9秒58!! j.mp/lBud2R #
- や、やめて下さい・・・
YouTube – 熊井友理奈 100メートル走 j.mp/mf6xTM # - NEUN, ACHT UND FUNFZIIIIIIIIIG!
YouTube – 2009年世界陸上100m ウサイン・ボルトまた世界新9秒58!! bit.ly/lBud2R #lol # - January » 2010 » Study Shack bit.ly/lJ7zAU #
- ナポレオン・ヒルの名言 "「君にそんなことができるはずはないよ」と、
大きな成功を収めたというのでしょうか?" bit.ly/mSOMjO # - "猿も木から落ちる = Even monkeys fall from trees" bit.ly/kQJSQb #
- [徹子の部屋] FUJIWARA & ピエール瀧: TVウォッチBLOG bit.ly/irQbCr #Japanese #TV #
- "MCDs kick butt" bit.ly/m0BKAL #painful #buttocks #
- 情報考學 Passion For The Future "『ザ・本とインターネット』ソーシャル読書セミナー 無料@ドコモスマートフォンラウンジ 6月23日(木)19:00~" bit.ly/jI9uRq #
- ラッセル・クロウ、コメディアンのビル・ヒックスの伝記映畫を企畫 – シネマトゥデイ bit.ly/jgxNHK #
- "マイケル・ジャクソンさんの歌で、カモンと訳されているところが「ジャモン」と聞こえるのですが・・・・" bit.ly/j1GpvL #jamon #
- "AJATT is fine. But All Fun All the Time works better. " bit.ly/kccuHq #fo #sheezy #
- "individual differences in lay theories about willpower moderate ego-depletion effects" bit.ly/jxQ8kZ #
- It's all about the Yukichis, baby. #endaka
一萬円紙幣 – Wikipedia bit.ly/kfOtfQ # - If you have the time to come up with theories about why you suck then you have the time to STFU and train. #
- YouTube – TEDxTokyo – 茂木健一郎 – 05/15/10 – (日本語)
bit.ly/m5CyAy # - 말을 잘 하지 못할 때 / When You Can’t Speak Well « Korean in Kuwait j.mp/lneO5U #
- The fastest way to get nothing done is to try to do something hard. What matters in action is direction, not magnitude. #
- Take the easy way. Why? Because it's the only way you're actually going to take 🙂 #immersion #
- Stop kidding and guilt-tripping yourself. You're not going to do that hard thing, so let it go. Do easy stuff in the "hard" direction. #
- Once you quit trying to get yourself to do what you "should" do, you free room for what you "can", "will" and "want to" do. #immersion #
- We never actually do what we "should" do *anyhow*. So screw it. Fire up a rap song, crack open a manga and call it a win. #immersion #
- Should = won't.
Can = will…iff you're wiling to let life be that easy. #immersion #SRS #kanji # - You can't grow food or learn Japanese with shoulds and promises. You water the plants. You do easy things that help. #
- You learn Japanese the opposite of the way you buy clothes(?). With Japanese, you fill your life with cheap wins. #immersion #easy #
- Learning a language is a lot like growing hair in that it's something you *facilitate* rather than force. #immersion #
- Facilitate…facilities…facile…all connected…in a way 😛 #immersion #letitbeeasy #
- I actually only buy cheap clothes, though, so…not really qualified to be throwing out fashion-related metaphors 😛 #walmartismytailor #
- If in doubt, go low brow. #immersion #media #
- You don't learn a language, you facilitate its habituation. So trying to force yourself to do boring crap = facilitating avoidance. #
- 推薦巡者系列:《夜巡者》《日巡者》《幽巡者》《終巡者》 – 小羊的ⓢⓟⓐⓒⓔ – Yahoo!奇摩部落格 bit.ly/maDY4Z #
- 中文教育創刊號 "港式中文的是與非
姚德懷*" bit.ly/mlNBHt # - アニメ・マンガの日本語 Japanese in Anime & Manga bit.ly/iBbLK7 #
- Ultimately, Japanese has to get inside your body. But it in order to that, it first has to be near your body. #immersion #environment #
- The Japanese meme virus (wtf? lol) requires direct contact Japanese sounds and symbols for transmission. #
- @DavidMansaray Apparently the Japanese meme virus requires direct contact with proofreading as well… #typo 😛 #
- blurのsong2の日本語訳ってどんなのですか?何を唄った歌なんでしょうか?? – Yahoo!知恵袋 bit.ly/jo72JV #
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