- 補習班數學辣妹美女老師~劉靜 – YouTube t.co/ke3hrtvO #cramschool #hot #math #teacher #not #my #idea #to #share #this #link #
- "Stubbornly persist, and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of your limits."
Robert Brault # - テスト効果 – Wikipedia "検索練習(retrieval practice)" t.co/Vq984cyL #SRS #clozedeletions #
- テスト効果 – Wikipedia "「テスト強化學習(test-enhanced learning)」" t.co/Vq984cyL #SRS #clozedeletions #
- "This method definitely works! I used [it]…with a host family in Germany and picked up…more than my…classmates" t.co/BV8bAy6F #
- Samurai Book Review: 1日30分を続けなさい!Each Day 30 Minutes. Learn to Win! | Samurai Mind Online t.co/SuDZWBfZ #
- How to know that you're really practicing: your equipment wears out. That book has been opened so many times that it's falling apart. #
- 【宮台真司】人生を取り返すために勉強しろ 平成22年7月23日 – YouTube t.co/iH8vyqwX #
- 裡予田ともうします。弐 第①話 – YouTube t.co/ILYFKnCQ #awkward #japanese #sitcom #nodatomoshimasu #
- 裡予田ともうします。弐 第⑩話.flv – YouTube t.co/QXeIl2i9 #awkward #japanese #sitcom #nodatomoshimasu #
- 裡予田ともうします。弐 第⑥話.flv – YouTube t.co/EcVXq5E5 #awkward #japanese #sitcom #nodatomoshimasu #
- 裡予田ともうします。弐 第③話.flv – YouTube t.co/Q8FVIjHm #awkward #japanese #sitcom #nodatomoshimasu #
- ぷっちょCM『上からマリコ』 チョキ編/AKB48 【HD】 – YouTube t.co/sx7cycTO #
- 佐藤優 田原総一朗 – YouTube t.co/qZkwH5Cc #
- 【佐藤優】マニュアル化できない知識、技術 平成22年5月 – YouTube t.co/PwcnXnEq #
- 【佐藤優】本を読む奴は公務員試験に落ちる 2010-04-25 – YouTube t.co/NFIPW3RM #
- "社內ニート(しゃないニート)とは、労働者であるためニートではないが、仕事がないため社內でほとんど働いていない労働者のこと。" t.co/Jks32hJc #
- "exposure to the language…will eventually allow the learner to produce…native-style sentences without effort" t.co/vs1b2qbu #
- "記憶力には限界がない。
限界があるとすれば、自分がダメだと思ったところにある。" t.co/8Ufgwv5p # - Obey laws, not conventions. Don't play the "proper" way. Play in a way that's easy for you and gets goals scored. #methods #
- てめえら人間じゃねえや!叩っ斬ってやる! : 【決め】 時代劇の名台詞まとめ 【セリフ】 – NAVER まとめ t.co/ch5vNzUp #
- 「人に勝つより自分に勝て。」
嘉納治五郎 # - Tips for holiday immersion
t.co/xcSWOnrU # - "I went from having headaches reading 1-2 pages of manga to finishing 1 book a 45-min train ride" t.co/TW6VFwhS #SRS #
- 方大同 愛愛愛 女生合唱版 fang da tong ai ai ai – YouTube t.co/VIgZ99Fo #cover #
- Webヨミ | JUMP j-BOOKS t.co/5g26mbSj #
- The mystery of expertise – Yahoo! News "trial-and-error feedback" t.co/c9Xwap9P #SRS #cloze #deletions #
- "There can be a large gap between knowledge and awareness" t.co/c9Xwap9P #procedural #memory #
- "One of the most impressive features of…human brains…is the flexibility to learn almost any kind of task." t.co/c9Xwap9P #
- The mystery of expertise – Yahoo! News "the ball travels too rapidly for batters to be consciously aware of it" t.co/c9Xwap9P #
- "One does not need to be consciously aware to perform sophisticated motor acts" t.co/c9Xwap9P #speaking #
- "The conscious mind is not at the center of the action in the brain" t.co/c9Xwap9P #
- If you've done one, you've already won. #justdo1 #SRS #widestandards #kanji #
- 聲でなぞることの意味―日本語シャドウイングのすすめ: Blogことば・言葉・コトバ t.co/XxL0dx2W #
- 安室奈美恵 / Checkmate! TV CM – YouTube t.co/Sjt9nwjM #
- Street-Smart Language Learning™: Stopping the study-abroad fail train t.co/wnHuIT9N #
- American students abroad pushed out of 'bubbles' – Yahoo! News t.co/jE80p8TT #
- "It's never too late to learn." t.co/9Ltk24Wg #
- "hiding his illiteracy from others for the better part of a century" t.co/9Ltk24Wg #snap #
- "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt" "ドイツ、全てに優るドイツ
世界中の全てに優るドイツ # - "He began to catch up with me only after he scaled down his SuperMemo effort and began watching TV" t.co/Fkvk6X76 #immersion #
- "set a fixed limit, e.g. 2 items per page" t.co/Fkvk6X76 #SRS #capping #additions #
- BY2 new mv 無解呦 – YouTube t.co/ND8JyXmM #mandopop #RnB #rap #breakdown #drama #themesong #
- アイスホッケーを応援しよう!【H.C.栃木日光アイスバックス】公式サイト t.co/sGBZfrqS #
- 鐵達時 Time Is Love 2011電視廣告「這三年間」- 4分鐘小說劇場版 – YouTube t.co/1US182ex | A cinematic TV commercial f #
- New at AJATT Plus: QRG Mandarin: Action List, Immersion t.co/y0TOZpcn #
- @yuki_satoshi Dude, I love B. F. Skinner. My favorite psychologist. Replaced BS with data 😀 #mancrush #パクリ t.co/V6ybrw91 #
- "People who think big generally end up doing nothing…anyone can do here. Anyone can do now." ~ Wayne Dyer #timeboxing #
- "Sages don't do difficult things." ~ Wayne Dyer #timeboxing #
- "People who think big generally end up doing nothing…But anybody can do here. Anybody can do now. Anybody can do this moment" ~ Wayne Dyer #
- 銀魂 ▌第二期OP2「ジレンマ」(日.羅) @ Gintama 銀魂 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 t.co/NurR8RrB #
- "予想通りのむなしさ
殘しちゃイケない" t.co/NurR8RrB # - Magic TrackpadをネイティブWindows PCで使う方法(Apple製ドライバ抽出): 【Digitalian's Tips】 t.co/irybOrZU #
- 【西川和久の不定期コラム】 単獨デバイスとして登場したトラックパッド!アップル「Magic Trackpad」 t.co/YGQboDrM #
- 帕金森定律 Parkinson’s Law – 管理拾穗 – udn部落格 t.co/DyijAVvA #
- The Data-Driven Life – t.co/zvJ9KMDa "He made a large cup of coffee and removed 20 milliliters weekly" t.co/vba0G4Cp #
- "Have Welsh radio on in the background as much as possible (but don’t worry about actually listening to it!)" t.co/henqtLEp #
- "hearing Welsh at normal speaking speed helps your brain process the sounds of the language" t.co/henqtLEp #
- 中國で日本語の教材買ってきたったwwwww:哲學ニュースnwk "いきなり投げやり " t.co/NYQfcGg0 #
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- 中國で日本語の教材買ってきたったwwwww:哲學ニュースnwk "またBが投げやりすぎるwwwwwww " t.co/NYQfcGg0 #
- 中國で日本語の教材買ってきたったwwwww:哲學ニュースnwk "日本人の優柔不斷さをよく表してる " t.co/NYQfcGg0 #
- Doing the imperfect anything you can do is better than freaking out over the perfect everything you "should" be doing. #
- "リア充は大體こんな感じ " t.co/NYQfcGg0 #
- Days 191-219 of spoonfeeding – 美味しい!! | tanoshimini "A civilised place with no flaming" t.co/TQFZ7UAM #ajattplus #
- "iTunes is a gold mine for dubbed movies. It has all the Pixar movies dubbed" t.co/pJvFXjBw #
- "What can I do right here, right now, even if it's small and seems inconsequential?" t.co/gxqZWvhs #
- ミュータント タートルズ 第02話 「鉄仮面シュレッダー登場」 ‐ ニコニコ動畫(原宿)
t.co/7X1HfRpZ #tmnt #jdub #teenage #mutant #ninja #turtles #japanese #dub # - アニメ の 'ミュータント・タートルズ-TMNT- 特別版 [DVD]' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/kW4PaPsR @さんから #
- 「これだけは言っておこう。エコも大事だが、今世界で必要なのは、『セクスィー』だ。」セクスィー常務 #
- 「ビジネスと恋は一緒に為さらぬよう」/セクスィー部長 #
- "The idea that you aim to fail an exam and if you pass it's a bonus got me through my whole degree" t.co/O1qXAxjg #widestandards #
- 言うじゃな~い。 #
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