- "Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own." / Bruce Lee t.co/mVGuwega #
- "Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own." / Bruce Lee #
- 爆笑問題 の '爆笑問題のススメ 作家V.S.爆笑問題!永久保存版 実はこんなトーク・カットしてました。 [DVD]' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/Wx7lzb35 @さんから #
- 博士も知らない角川春樹(1/5) – YouTube t.co/X57mIMLw #
- 'One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way' by Robert Maurer t.co/Q4PacPf7 #
- » Blog Archive » -レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー Vol. 2 (化生系 張明仁老師) t.co/F23K6AQH #
- Tiny Habits w/ Dr. BJ Fogg – Behavior "Take baby steps" t.co/7kYh1Bys #
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- SPYAIR – サムライハート(Some Like It Hot!!)(銀魂 Gintama ED17) – YouTube t.co/nWInq0eU #PV #
- 廿四味 24Herbs MV "Hu Ge" – YouTube t.co/N8yNfXTk #no #comment #
- "ですから英語の前置詞をいうものを余り難しく考えないで
日本語の助詞が言葉と言葉の関係を表わしているように、英語の前置詞も言葉と言葉の関係を表わしていると理解しましょう。" t.co/QhieVks5 # - Chinese | t.co/LOB0836o t.co/by2eCgSX #
- 三田 紀房 の '個性を捨てろ!型にはまれ!' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/LmCxcdR9 @さんから #
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ELLE HK t.co/ukv8uRlu # - 周杰倫-飄移 – YouTube t.co/niE4PqmK #KTV #initiald #
- "I studied through AJATT for a little over a year…I can understand 99% of the material in the 4th year class already" t.co/OshGtgkl #
- 方大同-愛愛愛(自製KTV) – YouTube t.co/Pd5luKlM #
- Aren't cloze deletions great? | SRS | Forum | AJATT Plus t.co/j662PFhp #
- "my understanding of both written text and speech has gone through the roof since beginning MCDs." t.co/eqY9gN6n #
- アメコミ・ヒーローの変遷 7 – YouTube t.co/331IouuC #
- アメコミ・ヒーローの変遷 7 – YouTube t.co/331IouuC #history #channel #documentary #american #superhero #comics #jdub #
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- 逃げ方が愉快なネコ – YouTube t.co/71Z6j99F #OMG #
- "I've got a deck filled with quotes from House, Mass Effect…It's quite fun to go through." t.co/kzOt1hjY #SRS #
- more of my real time was in Japanese than most people thought possible or sane
t.co/2Gq7Hlhw # - If normal people think you're crazy, you're doing it right. #immersion #
- "貓らしからぬ二足走行wwww(爆)" t.co/71Z6j99F #
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- "common sense is the least common of all senses" t.co/hJB183yM #
- New at AJATT Plus: 朝2時起きで、なんでもできる! t.co/F4X1S34x #
- Measure relative progress not absolute progress. Absolute will take care of itself. Suck less. You'll bump into good eventually. #
- You don't have to get good, you just have to get less bad than you were. #traction #relative #progress #over #absolute #progress #
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t.co/WUv05rwi @さんから # - ■デジタルがカオスとして振る舞うとき、そこにホムンクルスの種は宿るのか?『爆笑問題のニッポンの教養』 カオス工學、合原一幸。: そこに魂はあるのか? t.co/qooTxRPB #
- 合原 一幸 の 'カオス―カオス理論の基礎と応用 (Information & computing)'
t.co/a3cV5dIP @さんから # - 西澤潤一 – Wikipedia t.co/Dmy6AW8B #
- Jun-ichi Nishizawa
"Japanese engineer known for his invention of optical communication systems " t.co/cbhfz3vY # - 西澤潤一 – Wikipedia "光通信の開発で獨創的な業績を挙げる。" t.co/Dmy6AW8B #
- ニューヨークの遊び方 : マンガ、アメリカを征服! t.co/XxaINx1e #
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t.co/IODOP0zk # - kazami -YOUー向日葵 (2004.08.18) – YouTube t.co/qn73M0NR #
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- The Gaijin Nod | Japanlife | Forum | AJATT Plus t.co/AoyWTR7S #
- い・け・な・いルージュマジック/Merpeoples – YouTube t.co/ZbHxxCRB
via #ajattplus # - Muggles can't help you find balance because they don't know what balance is. They just want you to be "normal" like them. #immersion #
- "「ギルモア・ガールズ」はセリフ量が通常の海外ドラマより多いので、字幕版では情報量が足りず、吹替版がオススメです。 " t.co/A1POwk3M #
- 關雲長 (電影) – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 t.co/gVNas1v1 #
- The Lost Bladesman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia t.co/XnvNKU5H #
- 「關雲長 The Lost Bladesman (原題)」 ドニー・イェン / チアン・ウェン: 踴 る 大 香 港 t.co/9z1WPJnZ #
- 映畫『三國志英傑伝 関羽 THE LOST BLADESMAN'オフィシャルサイト ドニー・イェン主演 t.co/IrN59zQc #
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- "「悪いようにはしないから……いいだろ?今晩」" t.co/McVA0wmF #
- There is no happiness on the other side of that kanji binge. No gumdrops and rainbows. Only burnout and bitterness. #SRS #tortoise #hare #
- Muggles will like you if you give in, but they will never respect you again. Even Muggles respect single-mindedness. #immersion #
- "Celebrate New Year's when you want to, and as often as you choose. They're your resolutions, not ours." t.co/mv7EmmUw #
- "a 2-3 minute time box is incredibly effective at making you work at a fast pace" t.co/9KKr0YaV #
- Muggles who give you heck don't want you to give in: they're testing you to see if you're the real deal, worthy of respect. #immersion #
- "When you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye on the path" t.co/foX09adD #
- "The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do…"
Henry W. Longfellow # - "Nothing important was ever done but the greater number consulted previously doubted the possibility."
C. V. White # - 北京大の「カリスマ留學生」 加藤嘉一さん–人民網日本語版–People's Daily Online t.co/khZ3RNdm #
- 偽基文庫:我爸是李剛 – 偽基百科,惡搞的百科全書 t.co/ZSiR2qAW #
- "Listening to L2 while asleep is anxiety- and distraction free immersion, if you can handle it." t.co/ucpuNbw1 #
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