- [KTV] 方大同 – 蘇麗珍 – YouTube t.co/O1Ymyr45 #
- 方大同 – 狂潮 MV – YouTube t.co/G49LwCVM #khalil #fong #cantonese #
- 首頁 | 壹電視 Next TV t.co/oSr9fjdQ #
- "Your sources should be so cool that you will look forward to reading, watching or listening to them." t.co/ipjRwwTL #
- Why your input should be fun | Antimoon t.co/ipjRwwTL #
- "There are people who live their whole lives on the default settings, never realizing you can customize."
t.co/TyosHXWl # - 娛樂 | 壹電視 Next TV t.co/MKAdBwMC #
- "Doing a bad job is better than doing no job at all" t.co/JjnFupsR #
- "It doesn’t matter If I could only do a few kanji a day, it’s still better than 0" t.co/JjnFupsR #
- 「ちょ、待てよ!」 t.co/MS8BVTeb #キムタク #
- スターゲイト|10-6(#200)「祝!200回記念」 "ヤング・ダニエル「うるせんだよ、バーカ。必死こいてやってんだからよ!」" t.co/NEqizEAp #
- きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ – PONPONPON – YouTube t.co/1AlFb1rz #OMG #
- 少女時代 – Run Devil Run (Dance ver.) – YouTube "日本語バージョン." t.co/MGhk4ff5 #
- "Japanese learners are a negative bunch…like abused children…passing on the frustration" t.co/mkrzjpqe #
- "Occasionally, I can’t understand a word, but I…use context clues, so I understand the whole sentence" t.co/6EzYi8EJ #
- "I started this AJATT thing 2 years ago…Now…I can understand all of the anime I watch…and the manga I read." t.co/6EzYi8EJ #
- If you’re not too preoccupied by active preparation to be worried, then you’re not being patient
t.co/sYb9B0Qh # - Patience is occupying yourself with doing things that help.
t.co/sYb9B0Qh # - "I can’t stress how important just going forward is and not giving up." t.co/CDO9Zj5L #
- アイテック情報技術教育研究部 の 'コンピュータシステムの基礎' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/OoXExc2q @さんから #
- If you’re not too preoccupied with active preparation to be worried, then you’re not being patient t.co/sYb9B0Qh #
- If you're a comp sci/eng person and you want a Japanese book on the subject (covers all bases), here you go: t.co/fiy2zyPx @さんから #
- Progress is progress. Stop making up fake hard rules. Make easy rules. Make easy games. Winnable games. t.co/76F1rFDi #timeboxing #
- クレヨン むしむしくん – YouTube "D'awwwwwwwww :3" t.co/ZQYEaoFV via #silverspoon #
- Mastery isn’t doing the big things well. Mastery is mastering the basics.
t.co/vbPjPwWD # - "I mean who talks like a newspaper anyway? A-holes, that's who." t.co/vbPjPwWD #
- "Speaking 日本語 isn’t extraordinary. I know 100 million people who can do that!" t.co/lBT76W4W #
- Video Transcript: 恥ずかしいけど見せます / I Have Something Embarrassing To Show You! | AJATT Plus "私、私・・・男の人に憧れて、腋毛を生やしちゃいました。" t.co/kOIiBMc8 #
- Sentence Building Drill #2 t.co/TmfLz2ky #korean #tools #site #for #learning #english #
- 黃玉郎 – Wikipedia "絵柄は昔ながらの熱血劇畫調。" t.co/7O6NqX7Q #
- 人生には大切にすべき三つの袋が: 困ったときのベタ辭典 t.co/ShWEKL5H
#ベタ #cliche # - 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "玉袋" t.co/QQXSmLNM
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww # - 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "袋だたき" t.co/QQXSmLNM #
- 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "ビニール袋" t.co/QQXSmLNM #
- 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "レジ袋" t.co/QQXSmLNM www #
- 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "上記の他にも、池袋" t.co/QQXSmLNM #
- New at AJATT Plus: Resilient Timeboxing t.co/qVozfhLz #
- "Acquisition is a subconscious process whereby the brain picks up the bits of a foreign language" t.co/fC9R4U4h #
- "When you speak a foreign language, you’re actually drawing upon your subconscious knowledge" t.co/fC9R4U4h #
- "Fear of humiliation. Shame. Low self-confidence. All those are learned behaviours " t.co/fC9R4U4h #
- 你的英文還沒學好!是因為還沒遇上好老師! – YouTube "我在美國五年了 每天都要看英文書 從來沒有看過circumspect…不知道為什麼台灣都要教一些這種用不到的字?難怪很多人都不喜歡學英文…" t.co/vRLVePuc #
- Star Trek: U.S.S. Kyushu – Voyager Episode Guide (No.146 "Unimatrix Zero, Part I") t.co/Lc5pYzy9 #
- Nana Kitade – Kiss or Kiss – YouTube t.co/d4myAi9T #
- 北出 菜奈 (Nana kitade) Kiss or Kiss ! 悲しみの…!! (17th) – YouTube t.co/OPVkONYD #semi old #semi oldie #but #goodie #pop #song #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【三坪教室】三坪化學_9-1_非金屬及其化合物_基本觀念_5fgok4154_" t.co/bRHiR9XX #
- Pizza Hut Hong Kong t.co/KmqviXPo #
- "I only did the basics over and over and nothing more." t.co/vbPjPwWD #
- アルティメット – Wikipedia t.co/Z1KCklCs #
- 「なんでもかんでも人と比べるのは止めて自由気ままな旅をエンジョイしよう。・・・空気なんて吸って吐くもんだから、読む必要なんてそもそもない。」
t.co/Z5q73Caq # - "I…enjoy…MCDs…so much that I actually look forward to SRSing." t.co/BPQ01cqA #
- "I did not stop. I just kept starting. AND IT WORKS!!!?!?!?!???!?!!!!!!?!?!?" t.co/JjnFupsR #
- 山岸 俊男 の '安心社會から信頼社會へ―日本型システムの行方 (中公新書)' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/rGKcYYJu @さんから #
- The trick with speaking is not really to know a lot (although that helps) but to know how to use what you've got. #output #
- 唱唐詩 唱唐詩 趙柏勳 – YouTube t.co/7pXZMZJl #toddler #mandarin #tang #poems #essentially #shadowing #shameless 😀 #
- New at AJATT Plus: Video Transcript: クレヨン むしむしくん t.co/6fH6lIb0 #
- アイテック情報技術教育研究部 の 'システム開発の基礎' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/VHIffPeV @さんから #
- アイテック情報技術教育研究所 の '新版 アルゴリズムの基礎' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/VHY5jvjU @さんから #
- 矢沢 久雄 の 'コンピュータはなぜ動くのか~知っておきたいハードウエア&ソフトウエアの基礎知識~' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/vcLuSH3M @さんから #
- 千騰特產百科_千騰網 t.co/Y1B3a9Xp #
- 博客來書籍館>富國的糖衣:揭穿自由貿易的真相 t.co/06P4sLwR t.co/1wuG1xdd #
- 中華人民共和國國家統計局 t.co/O9I1gArk / National Bureau of Statistics of China #yeah #baby #
- "New Year’s Resolutions are behaviorally unsound." t.co/0GaKeNlu #
- 「誰かと比べたり比べられたりするレースから降りてしまえば、どんだけ楽だろう。」
t.co/Z5q73Caq # - Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition Part 1 of 2 – YouTube t.co/WA1puQaV #
- Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition Part 2 of 2 – YouTube t.co/I3WRocUR #
- A Child's Guide To Languages 3/4 – BBC Horizon 1983 – YouTube t.co/AB0JIDbo #
- Sakamoto Kyu – Sukiyaki(Ue wo muite arukou) – YouTube t.co/sXfyd8O8 #
- Daniela Mercury – 鋤焼き (上を向いて歩こう) RARIDADE – musikal@svn.com.br – YouTube "世界中で歌われてるんだ・・・その中でも印象に殘るカバー" t.co/2f8yS9tH #
- "all it took to get people to say they liked certain ones more than others was to present them multiple times." t.co/dZoKZA7n #kanji #
- You can give up when you're dead: "73 year old body builder ripley mother daughter.flv" – YouTube t.co/mtNqlYYP #
- Lazy kanji tip/rule: If you get even 1 of the keywords on the back of the card, then you win 😀 #SRS #slide #into #home #base #
- "working on something a little bit at a time will build your ability to work on it in greater chunks" t.co/r9pvp6q8 #crifreq #
- "All failure comes from trying too hard." / NAKATANI Akihiro #timeboxing #winnable #games #1isbiggerthan0 #
- "anywhere you can walk, you can run. And the more you run, the better you get at it." t.co/r9pvp6q8 #immersion #
- "watching House M.D., playing Mass Effect, etc. all count as “listening time”." t.co/BcMJDRp7 #
- How much input do you need to speak English fluently? | Antimoon t.co/BcMJDRp7 #
- 輕音少女12話(中文配音版) – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 t.co/jybPkkIH #
- 搞笑漫畫日和 加油 浦島太郎 中文配音 – YouTube t.co/M9YxYU3z
#ギャグマンガ日和 #中国語(北京語)吹替版 # - 魔動王23 太陽消失了 – YouTube t.co/8aiDI2uv #cantonese #dub #anime #
- ふぁんた時間 t.co/oc93hxcY #fairy #tales #podcast #japanese #childrensstories #transcripts #fantajikan #
- アインシュタイン名言集 (einstein_ja) は Twitter を利用しています "英語版と同期してます @EinsteinBOT。現在、試験運転中。" t.co/Llc4Fnwx #
- シャーロック(2)死を呼ぶ暗號(2011.08.23) – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 t.co/g6MGmWXV #sherlock #japanese #dub #
- シャーロック(2)死を呼ぶ暗號(2011.08.23) – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 t.co/g6MGmWXV via Benkyou-ing! t.co/zoH0NPm1 #
- They may be idiots for writing what they wrote, but we're idiots if we keep reading it. #
- 字で見れば「なるほど」でした。 | 結希日記。 t.co/KvtOl2lP #
- 台灣大哥大 手機保鑣 就在你手中!(低解析) – YouTube t.co/Gwj5PS3A #
- It's not the doing too little that kills you[r projects]. It's the doing nothing. #1isbiggerthan0 #justdo1 #timeboxing #immersion #
- New at AJATT Plus: Max Schrementi & DriftWorld in the Heezy t.co/Mbc9Lk7k #
If you would like to support the continuing production of AJATT content, please consider making a monthly donation through Patreon.
Right there ↑ . Go on. Click on it. Patrons get goodies like early access to content (days, weeks, months and even YEARS before everyone else), mutlimedia stuff and other goodies!
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-01-15
- [KTV] 方大同 – 蘇麗珍 – YouTube t.co/O1Ymyr45 #
- 方大同 – 狂潮 MV – YouTube t.co/G49LwCVM #khalil #fong #cantonese #
- 首頁 | 壹電視 Next TV t.co/oSr9fjdQ #
- "Your sources should be so cool that you will look forward to reading, watching or listening to them." t.co/ipjRwwTL #
- Why your input should be fun | Antimoon t.co/ipjRwwTL #
- "There are people who live their whole lives on the default settings, never realizing you can customize."
t.co/TyosHXWl # - 娛樂 | 壹電視 Next TV t.co/MKAdBwMC #
- "Doing a bad job is better than doing no job at all" t.co/JjnFupsR #
- "It doesn’t matter If I could only do a few kanji a day, it’s still better than 0" t.co/JjnFupsR #
- 「ちょ、待てよ!」 t.co/MS8BVTeb #キムタク #
- スターゲイト|10-6(#200)「祝!200回記念」 "ヤング・ダニエル「うるせんだよ、バーカ。必死こいてやってんだからよ!」" t.co/NEqizEAp #
- きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ – PONPONPON – YouTube t.co/1AlFb1rz #OMG #
- 少女時代 – Run Devil Run (Dance ver.) – YouTube "日本語バージョン." t.co/MGhk4ff5 #
- "Japanese learners are a negative bunch…like abused children…passing on the frustration" t.co/mkrzjpqe #
- "Occasionally, I can’t understand a word, but I…use context clues, so I understand the whole sentence" t.co/6EzYi8EJ #
- "I started this AJATT thing 2 years ago…Now…I can understand all of the anime I watch…and the manga I read." t.co/6EzYi8EJ #
- If you’re not too preoccupied by active preparation to be worried, then you’re not being patient
t.co/sYb9B0Qh # - Patience is occupying yourself with doing things that help.
t.co/sYb9B0Qh # - "I can’t stress how important just going forward is and not giving up." t.co/CDO9Zj5L #
- アイテック情報技術教育研究部 の 'コンピュータシステムの基礎' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/OoXExc2q @さんから #
- If you’re not too preoccupied with active preparation to be worried, then you’re not being patient t.co/sYb9B0Qh #
- If you're a comp sci/eng person and you want a Japanese book on the subject (covers all bases), here you go: t.co/fiy2zyPx @さんから #
- Progress is progress. Stop making up fake hard rules. Make easy rules. Make easy games. Winnable games. t.co/76F1rFDi #timeboxing #
- クレヨン むしむしくん – YouTube "D'awwwwwwwww :3" t.co/ZQYEaoFV via #silverspoon #
- Mastery isn’t doing the big things well. Mastery is mastering the basics.
t.co/vbPjPwWD # - "I mean who talks like a newspaper anyway? A-holes, that's who." t.co/vbPjPwWD #
- "Speaking 日本語 isn’t extraordinary. I know 100 million people who can do that!" t.co/lBT76W4W #
- Video Transcript: 恥ずかしいけど見せます / I Have Something Embarrassing To Show You! | AJATT Plus "私、私・・・男の人に憧れて、腋毛を生やしちゃいました。" t.co/kOIiBMc8 #
- Sentence Building Drill #2 t.co/TmfLz2ky #korean #tools #site #for #learning #english #
- 黃玉郎 – Wikipedia "絵柄は昔ながらの熱血劇畫調。" t.co/7O6NqX7Q #
- 人生には大切にすべき三つの袋が: 困ったときのベタ辭典 t.co/ShWEKL5H
#ベタ #cliche # - 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "玉袋" t.co/QQXSmLNM
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww # - 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "袋だたき" t.co/QQXSmLNM #
- 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "ビニール袋" t.co/QQXSmLNM #
- 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "レジ袋" t.co/QQXSmLNM www #
- 三つの袋 – アンサイクロペディア "上記の他にも、池袋" t.co/QQXSmLNM #
- New at AJATT Plus: Resilient Timeboxing t.co/qVozfhLz #
- "Acquisition is a subconscious process whereby the brain picks up the bits of a foreign language" t.co/fC9R4U4h #
- "When you speak a foreign language, you’re actually drawing upon your subconscious knowledge" t.co/fC9R4U4h #
- "Fear of humiliation. Shame. Low self-confidence. All those are learned behaviours " t.co/fC9R4U4h #
- 你的英文還沒學好!是因為還沒遇上好老師! – YouTube "我在美國五年了 每天都要看英文書 從來沒有看過circumspect…不知道為什麼台灣都要教一些這種用不到的字?難怪很多人都不喜歡學英文…" t.co/vRLVePuc #
- Star Trek: U.S.S. Kyushu – Voyager Episode Guide (No.146 "Unimatrix Zero, Part I") t.co/Lc5pYzy9 #
- Nana Kitade – Kiss or Kiss – YouTube t.co/d4myAi9T #
- 北出 菜奈 (Nana kitade) Kiss or Kiss ! 悲しみの…!! (17th) – YouTube t.co/OPVkONYD #semi old #semi oldie #but #goodie #pop #song #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【三坪教室】三坪化學_9-1_非金屬及其化合物_基本觀念_5fgok4154_" t.co/bRHiR9XX #
- Pizza Hut Hong Kong t.co/KmqviXPo #
- "I only did the basics over and over and nothing more." t.co/vbPjPwWD #
- アルティメット – Wikipedia t.co/Z1KCklCs #
- 「なんでもかんでも人と比べるのは止めて自由気ままな旅をエンジョイしよう。・・・空気なんて吸って吐くもんだから、読む必要なんてそもそもない。」
t.co/Z5q73Caq # - "I…enjoy…MCDs…so much that I actually look forward to SRSing." t.co/BPQ01cqA #
- "I did not stop. I just kept starting. AND IT WORKS!!!?!?!?!???!?!!!!!!?!?!?" t.co/JjnFupsR #
- 山岸 俊男 の '安心社會から信頼社會へ―日本型システムの行方 (中公新書)' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/rGKcYYJu @さんから #
- The trick with speaking is not really to know a lot (although that helps) but to know how to use what you've got. #output #
- 唱唐詩 唱唐詩 趙柏勳 – YouTube t.co/7pXZMZJl #toddler #mandarin #tang #poems #essentially #shadowing #shameless 😀 #
- New at AJATT Plus: Video Transcript: クレヨン むしむしくん t.co/6fH6lIb0 #
- アイテック情報技術教育研究部 の 'システム開発の基礎' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/VHIffPeV @さんから #
- アイテック情報技術教育研究所 の '新版 アルゴリズムの基礎' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/VHY5jvjU @さんから #
- 矢沢 久雄 の 'コンピュータはなぜ動くのか~知っておきたいハードウエア&ソフトウエアの基礎知識~' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/vcLuSH3M @さんから #
- 千騰特產百科_千騰網 t.co/Y1B3a9Xp #
- 博客來書籍館>富國的糖衣:揭穿自由貿易的真相 t.co/06P4sLwR t.co/1wuG1xdd #
- 中華人民共和國國家統計局 t.co/O9I1gArk / National Bureau of Statistics of China #yeah #baby #
- "New Year’s Resolutions are behaviorally unsound." t.co/0GaKeNlu #
- 「誰かと比べたり比べられたりするレースから降りてしまえば、どんだけ楽だろう。」
t.co/Z5q73Caq # - Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition Part 1 of 2 – YouTube t.co/WA1puQaV #
- Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition Part 2 of 2 – YouTube t.co/I3WRocUR #
- A Child's Guide To Languages 3/4 – BBC Horizon 1983 – YouTube t.co/AB0JIDbo #
- Sakamoto Kyu – Sukiyaki(Ue wo muite arukou) – YouTube t.co/sXfyd8O8 #
- Daniela Mercury – 鋤焼き (上を向いて歩こう) RARIDADE – musikal@svn.com.br – YouTube "世界中で歌われてるんだ・・・その中でも印象に殘るカバー" t.co/2f8yS9tH #
- "all it took to get people to say they liked certain ones more than others was to present them multiple times." t.co/dZoKZA7n #kanji #
- You can give up when you're dead: "73 year old body builder ripley mother daughter.flv" – YouTube t.co/mtNqlYYP #
- Lazy kanji tip/rule: If you get even 1 of the keywords on the back of the card, then you win 😀 #SRS #slide #into #home #base #
- "working on something a little bit at a time will build your ability to work on it in greater chunks" t.co/r9pvp6q8 #crifreq #
- "All failure comes from trying too hard." / NAKATANI Akihiro #timeboxing #winnable #games #1isbiggerthan0 #
- "anywhere you can walk, you can run. And the more you run, the better you get at it." t.co/r9pvp6q8 #immersion #
- "watching House M.D., playing Mass Effect, etc. all count as “listening time”." t.co/BcMJDRp7 #
- How much input do you need to speak English fluently? | Antimoon t.co/BcMJDRp7 #
- 輕音少女12話(中文配音版) – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 t.co/jybPkkIH #
- 搞笑漫畫日和 加油 浦島太郎 中文配音 – YouTube t.co/M9YxYU3z
#ギャグマンガ日和 #中国語(北京語)吹替版 # - 魔動王23 太陽消失了 – YouTube t.co/8aiDI2uv #cantonese #dub #anime #
- ふぁんた時間 t.co/oc93hxcY #fairy #tales #podcast #japanese #childrensstories #transcripts #fantajikan #
- アインシュタイン名言集 (einstein_ja) は Twitter を利用しています "英語版と同期してます @EinsteinBOT。現在、試験運転中。" t.co/Llc4Fnwx #
- シャーロック(2)死を呼ぶ暗號(2011.08.23) – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 t.co/g6MGmWXV #sherlock #japanese #dub #
- シャーロック(2)死を呼ぶ暗號(2011.08.23) – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 t.co/g6MGmWXV via Benkyou-ing! t.co/zoH0NPm1 #
- They may be idiots for writing what they wrote, but we're idiots if we keep reading it. #
- 字で見れば「なるほど」でした。 | 結希日記。 t.co/KvtOl2lP #
- 台灣大哥大 手機保鑣 就在你手中!(低解析) – YouTube t.co/Gwj5PS3A #
- It's not the doing too little that kills you[r projects]. It's the doing nothing. #1isbiggerthan0 #justdo1 #timeboxing #immersion #
- New at AJATT Plus: Max Schrementi & DriftWorld in the Heezy t.co/Mbc9Lk7k #