- Habit is more important than equipment. Don't wait for that perfect equipment to arrive. Get in the practice habit now. #
- 壬生町 – Wikipedia "かつて、おもちゃ工場を誘致して工業団地を開発したことから、「おもちゃのまち」というユニークな地名が存在する。" t.co/1G9V44Ni #
- 10/1(金)BeBe SOL by SOL 誕生! :: ∞ SOL ∞ t.co/oyDJU4Xe #
- "Speaking is easier than listening…the real test of fluency is whether or not you can understand what’s being said. " t.co/xcLVrAdm #
- Comprehension is the most underrated skill ever. It doesn't matter what kinds of questions you can ask if you can't understand the replies. #
- No conversation is going to fall apart because you listen too much. Everyone loves a listener. #input #comprehension #is #underrated #
- ブライアン・リー・オマリー の 'スコット・ピルグリム VS ザ・ワールド' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/VvUSWoog @さんから #
- Don’t think in terms of the next 24 hours, think in terms of the first 3 feet
t.co/Yi2bX7eV # - Am I a bad person because I laugh at 2ch humor?
成人式で帰省した妹に飲みに誘われたんだが t.co/4CBUSujt # - 創:戰紀(DVD9)-DVD-卓越亞馬遜 [創戰紀] t.co/NnwuRhyN #tron #legacy #mandarin #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "FoodHouse8" t.co/G9yGYC7G #cooking #videos #mandarin #
- 博客來書籍館>YouTube英語學習法 t.co/W9aPKJKc #Thx #Francesco #
- 博客來書籍館>YouTube英語學習法 t.co/W9aPKJKc
"How to Learn English through YouTube" # - 博客來書籍館>千萬別學英語 "千萬別學英語
Absolutely don’t study English" t.co/ApWBdMcQ # - 零庫存 – MBA智庫百科 "零庫存(Zero Inventories / In-Time Inventory)" t.co/MEdI4Y08 #
- 本山勝寛 の 'YouTube英語勉強法' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/wKgUJ0Oq @さんから #
- 博客來書籍館>天才密碼 "天才密碼
The Talent Code: Greatness Isn’t Born. It’s Grown. Here’s How" t.co/miopyZnG # - "常人的聰明才智差距不大,唯一不同是付出的熱情與努力程度。"~達爾文 t.co/miopyZnG #
- One is Better Than None | t.co/LgtNu4e2 "One is Better Than None" t.co/zxDPCP4k #
- Comprehensible Input | The Everyday Language Learner t.co/ZCiBHeny #
- "messages containing aspects…that we are developmentally ready to acquire but have not yet acquired" t.co/ZCiBHeny #MCDs #i+1 #
- スティーブン クラッシェン の '読書はパワー' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/nv73xp9H @さんから #
- 'Foreign Language Education the Easy Way' by Stephen D. Krashen t.co/iWcKyPRU @amazonさんから #
- 少林足球 搞笑片 廣東話!! – YouTube t.co/LCn0quPK #
- New at AJATT Plus: You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take t.co/gl1vDEof #
- "軽読書も量が自然に質的変換を促す" t.co/yJmNIX18 #自由読書 #
- "たとえ漫畫でも子どもの欲求にまかせて大量に読ませておけば、質的転換が訪れる" t.co/yJmNIX18 #自由読書 #
- "書く力はいくら量を書いても上達することはあまり無く、読むことによってのみ向上する" t.co/yJmNIX18 #インプット理論 #
- サイトウ アキヒロ の 'ニンテンドーDSが売れる理由―ゲームニクスでインターフェースが変わる' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/Vts5IBMA @さんから #
- Fun *is* efficiency. Be efficient: have fun. #
- "Stephen Chow 周星馳珍貴粵語訪問花絮- 唐伯虎點秋香1993年" t.co/lznmpcfz #stephenchow #interview #Flirting #Scholar #
- "I fall asleep to German radio so that I hear German in my mid-morning hypnagogic haze." t.co/xszsOI8J #
- "毎日、當たり前のことを當たり前に。普通のことを普通にできることの淒さ。 " t.co/5ijs4U96 #
- "You cannot wield it. No one can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone.
一つの指輪はサウロンにしか応じぬ。" t.co/vGA5cY3p # - Stephen Chow 周星馳 珍貴粵語 訪問花絮 – 逃學威龍 1991年 – YouTube t.co/nFwxcCdf #
- 真人發音50音對照表 t.co/RcfJyqrw #interactive #kana #table #with #sound #
- Pretty much any technique that helps you learn songs/music will help you learn languages. #hunchpothesis 😛 #
- "I learned Japanese to fluency in about three years using the AJATT method while in college as an English major" t.co/WVk8HNZN #
- "most anime is not nearly as 'out there' as a lot of people who are not even fluent say" t.co/WVk8HNZN #
- "You are playing catchup…and need to immerse yourself in the sounds and symbols of your new language constantly." t.co/WVk8HNZN #
- "if it was made for Japanese people by Japanese people, then it's all good" t.co/WVk8HNZN #
- Important things are better done badly than not at all. Often enough. #immersion #SRS #8020 #ruleofthumb #
- "it just imitates the way you learn your own mother tongue: by immersion" t.co/WVk8HNZN #
- "I often say things just out of the blue I didn't even know I knew – Those are the most amazing moments" t.co/WVk8HNZN #output #
- Katz!! You. Are. On. Twitter? And you would have 3000+ followers #rollseyes 🙂t.co/W43meRXF #
- 'Ellery Sound Asleep Comfort Pillow with Built-in …' by Sound Asleep t.co/W43meRXF @amazonさんから #
- "You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing" ~ James "Connections" Burke #
- ブルーノ 映畫 公式サイト t.co/TTW1Mfu1 #
- "中文:“至尊魔戒統治一切,至尊魔戒調遣一切,至尊魔戒召集一切,至尊魔戒約束一切。”
英文:“One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them…" t.co/cbdUplzH # - "if you can't read Shakespeare fluently you don't really know English!" t.co/SaaQD0ab #
- "Screw "proper" learning material. I've learned more from anime and video games than from any textbook" t.co/WVk8HNZN #
- もかろぐ 「お前のかあちゃん○○○!」←一番被ダメージ多い奴の勝ち "「お前のかあちゃん他人!」" t.co/cGJwdAcQ #
- もかろぐ 「お前のかあちゃん○○○!」←一番被ダメージ多い奴の勝ち "お前のかあちゃん子育て下手くそ" t.co/cGJwdAcQ wwwww #
- "お前のかあちゃん子育て下手くそ" t.co/cGJwdAcQ #爆笑 #
- "お前の母ちゃん俺の女!" t.co/cGJwdAcQ #
- "お前の母ちゃん非處女!" t.co/cGJwdAcQ #genius #
- "getting tense over…certain phrases for certain situations when your overall comprehension…is not up to par→stress" t.co/o7RJZPMX #
- "Most of the foreigners stressing out about 敬語 in that Japan Times piece were simply bad at Japanese period" t.co/o7RJZPMX #それ以前の問題 #
- "More than your mastery of obscure verb forms, I think [people are] most concerned with your ability to communicate" t.co/o7RJZPMX #
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years 日本語訳 t.co/SZlYhH6W #
- "I have been experimenting with MCDs. I have got to say, I am really impressed by how effective they are" t.co/FzTdkcRa #
- "succinctly written how-to books (know-how books) in general is an area of publishing where Japan really stands out." t.co/k7i1RCZK #
- "trash every podcast and recording and song you don't like. RIGHT NOW. " t.co/SHHptYeh #truedat #immersion #
- Irony: the people who have the least Japanese to mess up are the most worried about messing it up. Chill out. Watch some toons. #それ以前の問題 #
- You can't mess up something that doesn't exist. Your non-existent Japanese can only be improved by contact with Japanese. #それ以前の問題 #
- TMC – YouTube t.co/l9x0N1ku #cantonese #pop #rock #music #video #
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