t.co/T4JhoLpr # - 皇帝の弟子達 ダース・ベイン t.co/H6qryxpB #
- Mastery is mastering the basics. First, you master showing up. #
- "I only did the basics over and over and nothing more." t.co/vbPjPwWD #
- "There are no foreign lands. It is the traveller only who is foreign." – Robert Louis Stevenson #
- イワオ・タカモト – Wikipedia t.co/dI4fVPrd #animator #
- "My can’t isn’t really my can’t either. It just got Inception-ed into my head" t.co/kjoXpMAp #
- "speed is a non-factor. It's all about steady cruising" t.co/8XxOsAVY #
- "it's best to think of SRS as a sharpening stone, not the sword by itself" t.co/8XxOsAVY #
- Show me someone with SRS issues and I'll show you someone who isn't deleting. #
- An SRS deck is like a house — if you don't take out the trash, it becomes unlivable. Delete proactively. Delete pre-emptively. #
- You don't hate SRS. You hate those crap cards you filled it with. #delete #
- 廃刀令 – Wikipedia t.co/lTU9Me92 #
- "we learn better by seeing examples and not attempting to understand them" ~ Drewskie #
- "Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment."
Maxwell Maltz # - 廃刀令 – Wikipedia t.co/lTU9Me92 #japanese #history #
- 秩祿處分 – Wikipedia t.co/qhMGmZ7n #japanese #history #
- 土方歳三 – Wikipedia t.co/qyyUX2hR #japanese #history #
- 西郷隆盛 – Wikipedia t.co/cQzyYbSK #japanese #history #
- "甲野善紀は、東京都出身の武術を主とした身體技法の研究家。" t.co/0nyV7ynS #
- 科學人雜誌網站 t.co/lagSXwxv #scientific #american #taiwan #chinese #edition #
- SPLEEN!!!!
脾臓 – Wikipedia t.co/zcNDozWw # - "…beautiful things grow out of s##t" t.co/W1XfxFIP | Brian Eno #
- Awesomeness comes from mediocrity. Cream comes from milk. t.co/bofQShjJ #
- ヤンキー
img_904661_16386983_0 (800×600) t.co/BYF2nRiT # - 香裡奈 – Wikipedia "ラブシャッフル(2009年、TBS) – 逢沢愛瑠 役" t.co/L3Eq6E3t #
- 香裡奈 – Wikipedia "フリーター、家を買う。(2010年、フジテレビ) – 千葉真奈美 役" t.co/L3Eq6E3t #
- "let us suppose that my…father wanted to teach me how to ride a bike by constantly giving me instructions…" t.co/5g8yYCL2 #
- How I learned to speak fluent Italian while working a 63-hour per week job t.co/P3zOhV5n @AddThisさんから #
- New at AJATT Plus: MCD Revolution Kit + FREEBIES t.co/orw1OIve #
- ラリーのミッドライフ★クライシス – Wikipedia "原題:Curb Your Enthusiasm" t.co/9Xs2Uyuz #
- "ラリー・デイヴィッド(本人役)
アメリカで大ヒットしたコメディシリーズ『となりのサインフェルド』の共同製作者。細かいことにこだわり、思ったことを口に出さずにいられない。その性格が災いし、毎回様々なトラブルを引き起こす。" t.co/9Xs2Uyuz # - 海外ドラマ専門チャンネル スーパー!ドラマTV : ラリーのミッドライフ★クライシス t.co/Mj7vYmV2 #
- New at AJATT Plus: Math (for Engineers) t.co/yxfwqX3v #
- 別怪她 別怪她… #
- 吳卓羲 – 別怪她 (KTV) – YouTube t.co/K1A5NkGv #cantonese #
- Quantity Always Trumps Quality: "Rather than agonizing over whether you're building the right thing, just build it. " t.co/rzTWo7PK #
- [iPhone][iPad][値下げ] Wiki Offline — A Wikipedia Experience | iPad iPhone Wire t.co/WN09V7JI #
- App Store – Wiki Offline — A Wikipedia Experience t.co/m23DnTIh #
- t.co/vi8O2S11 "Currently we have VPN servers in the following 48 countries:" t.co/Cu1MD4xY #
- 啦啦小野貓 – 主頁 – t.co/UBQGyQDq
t.co/WAWmDWy5 #hellcats #cantonese # - Reward yourself for trying and failing, not for succeeding. Success is already its own reward 🙂 #
- We are all born illiterate. So the only question is: do you choose to stay that way? #anyidiotcanreadkanji #
- At some level, praising a human being for being able to use a language is kind of like praising a dog for being able to bark. #
- What is it about these MCDs? Part 1: Introduction | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time t.co/v11V9dx6 #
- The textbook is not the subject. #
- The textbook does not own the subject. #
- @domokun1134 でしょ?以外とデータ量が小さいね。中国語版も数百メガでしかないよ。 #
- jpPlayer t.co/1zEI9K4G #streaming #Japanese #TV #
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