- 日本の平均壽命と平均年齢 3:加藤順彥|Asian視座で未來予想:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ t.co/lAY3R6UG #
- 「日本人の平均年齢(現在生きている人の年齢の平均)」はいくつ.. – 人力検索はてな t.co/82hFzkn7 #
- 世界に冠たる高平均年齢國家、日本 – 波打ち際の考察 t.co/0kyA5zDZ #
- Own2pwn. Ownb4upwn. #books #
- Midicronica の Remix Project 改混(KAIKON) No.020 を Amazon でチェック! t.co/lNmVrXQd @さんから #
- The textbook is not the last word on the subject. #
- 311 (バンド) – Wikipedia "311(スリー・イレブン)は、アメリカ合眾國のミクスチャー・ロックバンド。ネブラスカ州オマハ市出身、1988年結成。" t.co/4xeLy1wV #
- Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny: Pastel Coloured Log t.co/2Ip2H0dq #japanese #
- "Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny"
Epigenetics, DNA: How You Can Change Your Genes, Destiny – TIME
t.co/UXsA5hgd # - "We have the ability to learn new things our entire life." t.co/b8hdrkN8 #
- "Some parts of the brain are just like a baby's and can grow new connections and strengthen existing connections." t.co/b8hdrkN8 #
- "Humans can only pay attention for about ten minutes and then need some kind of reset.
" t.co/b8hdrkN8 #timeboxing # - スモーキー・ロビンソン – Wikipedia t.co/oqC2Hh4x #
- New at AJATT Plus: Thoughts On Cantonese After A Few Days In H… t.co/C8ISemxX #
- One of my favorite songs ever 😀
時代特急 / Flick – YouTube t.co/6rnAuglq #underground #japanese #hiphop #also #yourmom # - "There should be -one- clear answer to the question" t.co/9TRmQekN #
- 蘋果日報 t.co/CdpQK6v2 #apple #daily #hongkong #tabloid #
- "A small key opens big doors" t.co/PrUMxiYm #timeboxing #birthlines #justdo1 #better1thannone #
- Textos de anime japonés t.co/KwbRrHuT #japanese #spanish #bilingual #anime #transcripts #MCD #fodder #
- A highly misunderstood and underrated book (Takashi ISHII's "One-Minute Learning Method") t.co/jMJyqGhP @さんから #
- You don't buy Japanese books because you can read Japanese. You can read Japanese because you buy Japanese books. #ownb4upwn #
- You don't buy a PS Vita because you know how to use one. You know how to use one because you bought one. #owntopwn #literacy #
- 「飼い馴らされたサイボーグ」: 七左衛門のメモ帳 t.co/4T1H2BiZ #kevinkelly #technium #japanese #translations #tech #blog #
- 「飼い馴らされたサイボーグ」: 七左衛門のメモ帳 "この文章は Kevin Kelly による "We, the Domesticated Cyborg" の日本語訳である。" t.co/4T1H2BiZ #
- アンドリューW.K. – Wikipedia "近年の洋楽には珍しく國內盤に収錄された全ての楽曲に邦題がつけられている。" t.co/NiGixQYu #
- "Emotions, even negative ones, contain information and energy that can be very useful to you." ~ Jane Herman #
- 「見果てぬ空をふたりで飛ぼうよ
機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY (MAD) 翼はPleasure Line – YouTube t.co/TEHU9BXo #AMV #anime #musicvideo # - ファンキーグラマラス – YouTube t.co/Kwwfeg15 #japanese #hiphop #funky #glamorous #
- If I had to give the so-called "AJATT method" a name I'd actually call it the Media Method. #immersion #
- "I'll buy Japanese books once I know how to read them"="I'll strike this match after the fire gets hot" #notgonnahappen #owntopwn #literacy #
- "If someone ever tells me that what I'm trying to do is impossible, I'll just reply with:
「Yeah, it's impossible… for you.」" Neoglitch #
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