- "How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Ride" t.co/WF0viaLz #
- Hardline Educational Rhetoric Versus Fun (Part 1) « En Route To Fluency t.co/WF0viaLz #
- "just naturally following academic paths set up for you by the system is not an ideal way to go" t.co/nvJQq2Cl #
- 學德文很花時間(頁 3) – 語言討論 – 香港討論區 – Powered by Discuz! Archiver t.co/DG9b4iID #cantonese #speakers #on #learning #german #
- Humanum: Research Centre for Humanities Computing – Sub-pages t.co/9RkNvjU4 #random #cantonese #resources #
- 詞語習得嘅七個迷思 « HKLinguists "Myths about vocabulary acquisition" t.co/O6aYxjji #
- 麻辣女孩 – YouTube t.co/eD00PPGd #kim #possible #mandarin #
- 詞語習得嘅七個迷思 « HKLinguists "識相對少嘅詞語已經可以令你識睇好多嘢。例如,據講識3,000最常用外文詞可以睇得明八成外文。" t.co/O6aYxjji #
- YESASIA : Ben 10 Alien Force (DVD) (Vol.1) (香港版) DVD – 得利影視 (HK) – 華語動畫 – 郵費全免 t.co/9gp1moaZ #cantonese #
- The World of GOLDEN EGGS – Wikipedia t.co/bWv9eoKR #
- 博客來書籍館>我比別人更認真:刻意練習讓自己發光 "巴菲特、馬友友、伍茲,甚至莫札特,研究證明,這些「天才」和我們不一樣之處,在於他們長期、有方向地進行「刻意練習」自我琢磨。" t.co/HC5K2agp #
- [KTV] 方大同 – 蘇麗珍 – YouTube t.co/O1Ymyr45 #
- 方大同 – 春風吹 MV – YouTube t.co/BqYM9u6x #
- ボブキャット – Wikipedia t.co/GoFkz2Sz #
- "フローレンス・アンド・ザ・マシーン(Florence and the Machineまたは、Florence + The Machine)はイギリスのミュージシャンフローレンス・ウェルチを中心とするバンドである。" t.co/DbN9AX1j #
- 學習法 艾賓浩斯的遺忘曲線 記憶曲線 記憶術 (もっと美しいもの) t.co/Zpp5MaVP #spacingeffect #ebbinghaus #SRS #chinese #
- 心中的日月 - 王力宏 (cover) – YouTube t.co/3FGicLJP #
- WANG LEEHOM – 心中的日月 – YouTube t.co/mpxg9DQC #
- Xin Zhong De Ri Yue by Leehom Wang #心中的日月 #王力宏 #mp3 #mandarin #rnb #nodrm
t.co/BjDBDSmg @amazonさんから # - Monterey Park PD Pedestrian Safety PSA – Cantonese – YouTube t.co/dy988EvT #
- "《權力的遊戲》(英語:Game of Thrones)是一部中世紀史詩奇幻題材的電視連續劇。該劇以美國作家喬治·馬丁的奇幻巨作《冰與火之歌》七部曲第一部《權力的遊戲》為基礎改編創作," t.co/O5LKyL9P #
- 回魂夜的広東語3 t.co/g8EJU41n #cantonese #japanese #movie #dialog #
- "the freest translation is sometimes the most faithful" ~ Stephen Mitchell #
- "Low self-efficacy can lead people to believe tasks are harder than they actually are." t.co/mm1JJuRc #
- "you don’t have to see the material between reviews in order for it to stick" t.co/eJwNcY9P #SRS #
- "The point of the spacing algorithms is to show you the card as rarely as possible and still keep it in your brain" t.co/eJwNcY9P #
- I’m Still Here: 瓦昆費尼克斯之人生向下記 « Fountain of Joys "棄影從歌" t.co/Q9KMUlHT #
- ブリュノ ブラセル の 本の歴史 (「知の再発見」雙書) を Amazon でチェック! t.co/NbkEZ7I9 @さんから #
- Mike Shinoda(LINKIN PARK)新作サントラ「The Raid: Redemption」収錄曲試聴 "LINKIN PARKのMike Shinodaがスコアを擔當したインドネシアの新作バイオレンス・アクション映畫" t.co/88v9WSdN #
- t.co/YuqAcSKu – シアトル・イベント・カレンダー: 映畫 「The Raid: Redemption」 "麻薬密売組織のボスが立てこもっている古い建物に攻撃をしかけるため集まった特殊部隊。" t.co/ajt3pabK #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "梁文道:教育自己的必要" t.co/1hDVh82H #
- 博客來書籍館>天才密碼 "達爾文說,常人的聰明才智差距不大,
唯一不同是付出的熱情與努力程度。" t.co/miopyZnG # - "真実は混亂よりは誤りから現われる" t.co/pPiDhlUI #
- "Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion." t.co/kFPKbvKl #
- New at AJATT Plus: SonoSuji: The Yakuza Sentence Pack, Part 3 of 12 t.co/hev2Ps2M #
- "少年駭客Ben 10是為美國時代華納公司所推出的卡通動畫影集,故事描述10歲的田小班在一次與馬克爺爺和田小玟的旅行中發現了超能儀(Omnitrix),可以變身為10種外星英雄的裝備,從此以後,小班擔負起保護地球和平的任務。" t.co/e4dBNDuF #
- "adults can indeed attain native language-like brain processing " t.co/ZEAPRnlo #
- PLoS ONE: "Second Language Processing Shows Increased Native-Like Neural Responses" t.co/ZEAPRnlo | Thx Ross, Lisbet #
- "contrary to common wisdom, it is possible for adults to process a language the same way a native speaker does" t.co/doVaWKsO #
- "the immersion group displayed the full brain patterns of a native speaker" t.co/doVaWKsO #
- Suffers from the same size/scope limits as most linguistics research, but interesting nonetheless 😀 : t.co/ZEAPRnlo #
- スチームパンク – Wikipedia t.co/1YOnHky9 #
- チャイナ・ミエヴィル – Wikipedia "陳腐なJ・R・R・トールキンのエピゴーネン" t.co/pjA3Yhzg #
- Cat friends with Hamster – YouTube t.co/bh5vgMx9 #Japanese #
- チャイナ・ミエヴィル – Wikipedia "ミエヴィルはトールキンを馬鹿馬鹿しく保守的[4]と評しており、ファンタジーからトールキンの影響を排除することを積極的に試みている。" t.co/pjA3Yhzg #
- アメリカのテレビドラマ全巻BOX t.co/VfQPn8UA #us #tv #shows #japanese #dub #complete #series #box #sets #
- "adults learning a foreign language can come to rely on the same brain mechanisms as native speakers of a language" t.co/1k7pfQnX #
- "You might think that an explanation of the language’s underlying grammatical structure would be helpful…it’s not" t.co/1k7pfQnX #
- "Only…immersion training led to full native-like brain processing of grammar." t.co/1k7pfQnX #
- "those who learned the language via immersion…had an edge" t.co/1k7pfQnX #
- Immersion Beats Classroom for Mastering a Foreign Tongue: Study – US News and World Report t.co/lrPr4yLq #
- Philosophical Investigations in Applied Linguistics: Comparing Foreign Language Communication to Budo (Martial Arts) t.co/kEd7rDRs #
- Sometimes "high" is too scary. It blinds you, like staring at the sun. So don't aim high or straight. Aim upward and to the side #paulgraham #
- SRS gives you something productive, measurable and believable to do while getting used to a language. Of course, it helps directly as well. #
- If James Brown were still alive and singing in Japanese: 在日ファンク – YouTube t.co/3Ygvnpjs #awesome #funk #sauce #
- Pushim,rhymester,home Made 家族,マボロシ,may J. – I Say Yeah! 歌詞 Lyrics on t.co/mMjVjAJ7 J-POP Songs! t.co/ZK3zZyQf #
- PUSHIM,RHYMESTER,HOME MADE … の I Say Yeah!(DVD付) を Amazon でチェック! t.co/CveEZP4A @さんから #
- You cannot play the game less than kids, then get worse results than kids, then accuse kids of being magical. Get your math straight. #
- Writing systems don't cause illiteracy. Lack of books causes illiteracy. #
- 飛べない豚は泳げばいい、家に帰るために1.6キロを泳ぎ切った子豚たち – GIGAZINE – t.co/sm2hK1tQ #
If you would like to support the continuing production of AJATT content, please consider making a monthly donation through Patreon.
Right there ↑ . Go on. Click on it. Patrons get goodies like early access to content (days, weeks, months and even YEARS before everyone else), mutlimedia stuff and other goodies!
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-04-08
- "How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Ride" t.co/WF0viaLz #
- Hardline Educational Rhetoric Versus Fun (Part 1) « En Route To Fluency t.co/WF0viaLz #
- "just naturally following academic paths set up for you by the system is not an ideal way to go" t.co/nvJQq2Cl #
- 學德文很花時間(頁 3) – 語言討論 – 香港討論區 – Powered by Discuz! Archiver t.co/DG9b4iID #cantonese #speakers #on #learning #german #
- Humanum: Research Centre for Humanities Computing – Sub-pages t.co/9RkNvjU4 #random #cantonese #resources #
- 詞語習得嘅七個迷思 « HKLinguists "Myths about vocabulary acquisition" t.co/O6aYxjji #
- 麻辣女孩 – YouTube t.co/eD00PPGd #kim #possible #mandarin #
- 詞語習得嘅七個迷思 « HKLinguists "識相對少嘅詞語已經可以令你識睇好多嘢。例如,據講識3,000最常用外文詞可以睇得明八成外文。" t.co/O6aYxjji #
- YESASIA : Ben 10 Alien Force (DVD) (Vol.1) (香港版) DVD – 得利影視 (HK) – 華語動畫 – 郵費全免 t.co/9gp1moaZ #cantonese #
- The World of GOLDEN EGGS – Wikipedia t.co/bWv9eoKR #
- 博客來書籍館>我比別人更認真:刻意練習讓自己發光 "巴菲特、馬友友、伍茲,甚至莫札特,研究證明,這些「天才」和我們不一樣之處,在於他們長期、有方向地進行「刻意練習」自我琢磨。" t.co/HC5K2agp #
- [KTV] 方大同 – 蘇麗珍 – YouTube t.co/O1Ymyr45 #
- 方大同 – 春風吹 MV – YouTube t.co/BqYM9u6x #
- ボブキャット – Wikipedia t.co/GoFkz2Sz #
- "フローレンス・アンド・ザ・マシーン(Florence and the Machineまたは、Florence + The Machine)はイギリスのミュージシャンフローレンス・ウェルチを中心とするバンドである。" t.co/DbN9AX1j #
- 學習法 艾賓浩斯的遺忘曲線 記憶曲線 記憶術 (もっと美しいもの) t.co/Zpp5MaVP #spacingeffect #ebbinghaus #SRS #chinese #
- 心中的日月 - 王力宏 (cover) – YouTube t.co/3FGicLJP #
- WANG LEEHOM – 心中的日月 – YouTube t.co/mpxg9DQC #
- Xin Zhong De Ri Yue by Leehom Wang #心中的日月 #王力宏 #mp3 #mandarin #rnb #nodrm
t.co/BjDBDSmg @amazonさんから # - Monterey Park PD Pedestrian Safety PSA – Cantonese – YouTube t.co/dy988EvT #
- "《權力的遊戲》(英語:Game of Thrones)是一部中世紀史詩奇幻題材的電視連續劇。該劇以美國作家喬治·馬丁的奇幻巨作《冰與火之歌》七部曲第一部《權力的遊戲》為基礎改編創作," t.co/O5LKyL9P #
- 回魂夜的広東語3 t.co/g8EJU41n #cantonese #japanese #movie #dialog #
- "the freest translation is sometimes the most faithful" ~ Stephen Mitchell #
- "Low self-efficacy can lead people to believe tasks are harder than they actually are." t.co/mm1JJuRc #
- "you don’t have to see the material between reviews in order for it to stick" t.co/eJwNcY9P #SRS #
- "The point of the spacing algorithms is to show you the card as rarely as possible and still keep it in your brain" t.co/eJwNcY9P #
- I’m Still Here: 瓦昆費尼克斯之人生向下記 « Fountain of Joys "棄影從歌" t.co/Q9KMUlHT #
- ブリュノ ブラセル の 本の歴史 (「知の再発見」雙書) を Amazon でチェック! t.co/NbkEZ7I9 @さんから #
- Mike Shinoda(LINKIN PARK)新作サントラ「The Raid: Redemption」収錄曲試聴 "LINKIN PARKのMike Shinodaがスコアを擔當したインドネシアの新作バイオレンス・アクション映畫" t.co/88v9WSdN #
- t.co/YuqAcSKu – シアトル・イベント・カレンダー: 映畫 「The Raid: Redemption」 "麻薬密売組織のボスが立てこもっている古い建物に攻撃をしかけるため集まった特殊部隊。" t.co/ajt3pabK #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "梁文道:教育自己的必要" t.co/1hDVh82H #
- 博客來書籍館>天才密碼 "達爾文說,常人的聰明才智差距不大,
唯一不同是付出的熱情與努力程度。" t.co/miopyZnG # - "真実は混亂よりは誤りから現われる" t.co/pPiDhlUI #
- "Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion." t.co/kFPKbvKl #
- New at AJATT Plus: SonoSuji: The Yakuza Sentence Pack, Part 3 of 12 t.co/hev2Ps2M #
- "少年駭客Ben 10是為美國時代華納公司所推出的卡通動畫影集,故事描述10歲的田小班在一次與馬克爺爺和田小玟的旅行中發現了超能儀(Omnitrix),可以變身為10種外星英雄的裝備,從此以後,小班擔負起保護地球和平的任務。" t.co/e4dBNDuF #
- "adults can indeed attain native language-like brain processing " t.co/ZEAPRnlo #
- PLoS ONE: "Second Language Processing Shows Increased Native-Like Neural Responses" t.co/ZEAPRnlo | Thx Ross, Lisbet #
- "contrary to common wisdom, it is possible for adults to process a language the same way a native speaker does" t.co/doVaWKsO #
- "the immersion group displayed the full brain patterns of a native speaker" t.co/doVaWKsO #
- Suffers from the same size/scope limits as most linguistics research, but interesting nonetheless 😀 : t.co/ZEAPRnlo #
- スチームパンク – Wikipedia t.co/1YOnHky9 #
- チャイナ・ミエヴィル – Wikipedia "陳腐なJ・R・R・トールキンのエピゴーネン" t.co/pjA3Yhzg #
- Cat friends with Hamster – YouTube t.co/bh5vgMx9 #Japanese #
- チャイナ・ミエヴィル – Wikipedia "ミエヴィルはトールキンを馬鹿馬鹿しく保守的[4]と評しており、ファンタジーからトールキンの影響を排除することを積極的に試みている。" t.co/pjA3Yhzg #
- アメリカのテレビドラマ全巻BOX t.co/VfQPn8UA #us #tv #shows #japanese #dub #complete #series #box #sets #
- "adults learning a foreign language can come to rely on the same brain mechanisms as native speakers of a language" t.co/1k7pfQnX #
- "You might think that an explanation of the language’s underlying grammatical structure would be helpful…it’s not" t.co/1k7pfQnX #
- "Only…immersion training led to full native-like brain processing of grammar." t.co/1k7pfQnX #
- "those who learned the language via immersion…had an edge" t.co/1k7pfQnX #
- Immersion Beats Classroom for Mastering a Foreign Tongue: Study – US News and World Report t.co/lrPr4yLq #
- Philosophical Investigations in Applied Linguistics: Comparing Foreign Language Communication to Budo (Martial Arts) t.co/kEd7rDRs #
- Sometimes "high" is too scary. It blinds you, like staring at the sun. So don't aim high or straight. Aim upward and to the side #paulgraham #
- SRS gives you something productive, measurable and believable to do while getting used to a language. Of course, it helps directly as well. #
- If James Brown were still alive and singing in Japanese: 在日ファンク – YouTube t.co/3Ygvnpjs #awesome #funk #sauce #
- Pushim,rhymester,home Made 家族,マボロシ,may J. – I Say Yeah! 歌詞 Lyrics on t.co/mMjVjAJ7 J-POP Songs! t.co/ZK3zZyQf #
- PUSHIM,RHYMESTER,HOME MADE … の I Say Yeah!(DVD付) を Amazon でチェック! t.co/CveEZP4A @さんから #
- You cannot play the game less than kids, then get worse results than kids, then accuse kids of being magical. Get your math straight. #
- Writing systems don't cause illiteracy. Lack of books causes illiteracy. #
- 飛べない豚は泳げばいい、家に帰るために1.6キロを泳ぎ切った子豚たち – GIGAZINE – t.co/sm2hK1tQ #