Japanese Reactions to Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (SW:TLJ), Vol. 1

“J・J・エイブラムスは大団円を生み出せるのか? エピソード9では、「フォースの覚醒」のJ・J・エイブラムス監督にメガホンが再び託される。新舊キャラクターを巧みに織り交ぜ、新たなスタートラインの設定に成功したのはエイブラムス監督のプロデュース力が最大限生かされたといえる。しかし、これまでのフィルモグラフィを振り返ると、感動のフィナーレを描いてきたとは言いがたい。3世代にまたがる一大サーガをどのように締めくくるのか、天才クリエイターの真価が問われるだろう。” Can J. J. Abrams [Finish the Job | [Write | Produce] a Proper Ending]? For Episode 9, J. J. Abrams will be back in the director’s seat. [In | On] the “The Force Awakens”, he did a great job of weaving old and new characters into a satisfying tapestry. However, looking back on…

[Random Linkage] Never Too Late

This entry is part of 6 in the series Random Linkage

This entry is part of 6 in the series Random LinkageYou’re never too young. You’re never too old. You’re never too early. You’re never too late. If it’s today and you’re alive, then now is your time and here is your place. You are always the right age. You are always in the right place.…

[Random Linkage] And Now, Time For Something Different

This entry is part of 6 in the series Random Linkage

This entry is part of 6 in the series Random LinkageYou know, I love when hip-hop videos make brave and/or unique decisions without compromising on their musicality. It’s particularly awesome when this bravery/uniqueness involves embracing a non-standard “localness”, that is, an aesthetic that sits squarely outside of and sets itself apart from the traditional hip-hop…