QRG The Movie: Teaser Trailer

One man. One mission. One destiny. One walkthrough video. This season’s greatest semi-educational blockbuster is coming soon to a PC near you! Feel the magic. Believe the miracle. Use more abstract nouns. Enjoy the hype.

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-10-31

A lot of people wonder how they can get a native-sounding accent. The real question should be how to stop yourself from suppressing it. # Nothing is more damaging to your reading than attempting “100% conversion” in terms of SRS entry. Even 1% conversion is pushing it 😀 . # The idea of secretly having…

Why The Way We Read Sucks and How to Fix It: Part 2

At the risk of stating the obvious, this post continues right where its predecessor left off. I enjoyed the mixed reaction to that previous post…it looks like maybe people who went through some flavour of the British school system have experiences closer to mine. Or, this may all just be a personal problem that I’ve…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-10-24

The television is perhaps the most powerful language-acquisition device ever invented. # Don’t be hard on yourself. Ever. You have to treat yourself like a 5-year-old. Every little thing counts. Gold stars EVERYWHERE. # Often, rather than ask other people’s opinion on your idea, it’s better to shut up and just try it — let…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-10-24

The television is perhaps the most powerful language-acquisition device ever invented. # Don’t be hard on yourself. Ever. You have to treat yourself like a 5-year-old. Every little thing counts. Gold stars EVERYWHERE. # Often, rather than ask other people’s opinion on your idea, it’s better to shut up and just try it — let…