After a lot of tiny Surusu updates comes a big ‘un. A long awaited feature is here at last: decks. The semantics are the same as for a physical deck of cards, in that a card belongs to one and only one deck, but can be moved freely between them. Now, you can: Combine/import your…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-10-10
by khatzumoto
AJATT isn’t about pain and struggle. It’s about realizing that you have the same right as a native speaker to learn the language by playing. # Replace your “shoulds” with “want tos” 😀 # Things don’t always have to go “right”, they just have to go. Even if you don’t feel like you’re making progress,…
When Will I Get Funny?
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 2 of 14 in the series Intermediate AngstAnd there came upon the email of Khatzumoto a letter long of length, correct of spelling and accurate of punctuation. And it was good. The emailer’s pseudonym was, is and ever shall be…Farley. Khatzumoto, hi! First, I want to start out by saying how…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-10-03
by khatzumoto
英語力は商品じゃない。幾ら金払っても、継続的に纏まった時間を投資しない限り大した結果は永遠に出ないのだ。要は、「金額」じゃなくて、「時間の量」。だ~ら、英会話なんて風俗が # If you’re a beginner, give children’s materials a chance now and then. When one’s vocabulary’s small, “adult pride” doesn’t even make sense. # Don’t try to “do” Japanese…just try to make it an habitual part of your existence instead. It’s much easier and more effective that way. # The key with immersion is…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-10-03
by khatzumoto
英語力は商品じゃない。幾ら金払っても、継続的に纏まった時間を投資しない限り大した結果は永遠に出ないのだ。要は、「金額」じゃなくて、「時間の量」。だ~ら、英会話なんて風俗が # If you’re a beginner, give children’s materials a chance now and then. When one’s vocabulary’s small, “adult pride” doesn’t even make sense. # Don’t try to “do” Japanese…just try to make it an habitual part of your existence instead. It’s much easier and more effective that way. # The key with immersion is…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-10-03
by khatzumoto
英語力は商品じゃない。幾ら金払っても、継続的に纏まった時間を投資しない限り大した結果は永遠に出ないのだ。要は、「金額」じゃなくて、「時間の量」。だ~ら、英会話なんて風俗が # If you’re a beginner, give children’s materials a chance now and then. When one’s vocabulary’s small, “adult pride” doesn’t even make sense. # Don’t try to “do” Japanese…just try to make it an habitual part of your existence instead. It’s much easier and more effective that way. # The key with immersion is…