Aim to Fail

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series What It Takes to Be Great

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series What It Takes to Be Great“Genius is…the eventual public recognition of dozens (or hundreds) of failed attempts at solving a problem” Seth Godin Babe Ruth Was A Big, Fat German Failure If you read enough personal development books, you will eventually come across mention of…

Little and Often

In high school, I was in the shooting club. That’s right, people. I spout all this peacenik-sounding “why can’t we all just get along” nonsense, but…I used to like guns. Too bad they get used for so much bad stuff. Maybe one day we can load them with software so they can only be used…

RACISM IN JAPAN! 人種差別大國日本?

違ええんだよ!全然違えんだよ!そんなこと毛頭ございません! 実はネ、拙者を含めて多くの外国人がホザいて来た「ニッポンの人種差別」というのは、事実無根の愚痴に過ぎない。「『外人』は差別用語」だの「人に見られている」だの弱音を吐くより、先ずは全面的に自分達の日本語能力をレベルアップした方が遥かに得策。他人の国に住んでるのにその言葉をちゃんと学ぼうともしない我々外人=差別用語を語る資格の無い、迷惑的な存在だけだ。せやから、理不尽な主張を抜かす前に責任を取りましょう。何よりもここは日本で、国の主は日本国民(俺らも税金払ってんだけどね(笑))。そんなに辛い想いをしてるなら、他に200カ国ぐらいの国家がそこら辺に轉がってるし・・・ っちゅう事を、僕とYouTubeのTkyoSamが英語圏の皆さんに、今回のビデオを通して伝えたいと思った譯。殘念ながら内容は英語のみなんだけど、まあ、ターゲット層も英語圏の奴らだから或る程度合理的な選択かと存じまする!因みに、ワイは「植物中心食生活」(←関係ねえだろうがよ!^_^)のお陰で結構減量してるので、興味のある方は是非ご覧あれ!・・・やっぱり無いか・・・ Not really. In fact, not at all. In fact, people need to shut the truck up, learn Japanese (especially reading and writing), and stop overanalyzing every interaction they have in Japan like some kind of sociopathic girlfriend. As much fun as it is to try to demonize Japan, certain highly vocal countries…