Intermediate Goals, Mini-Dreams

This entry is part 7 of 14 in the series Intermediate Angst

This entry is part 7 of 14 in the series Intermediate AngstIn a lot of AJATT posts I tend to give the impression, unintentionally, that I’m more courageous than I actually am. It’s what you might call a sin of abbreviation; I cut out most of the parts where I made mistakes and took wrong…

Book Review: The Way of Brain Success

Hey there. Been a while. Actually I just got back from Taiwan (I’m saying this in a “we do a lot of travelling” middle-class-person-showing-off-voice, by the way…this is the one where you pretend it’s no big deal to you while at the same time trying to emphasize it; I’ve worked pretty hard on this voice…

Grammar Does Not Exist 2

OK, so…a few losers had the unmitigated gall to question me (question ME???? QUESTION me???!!!), and were whining 😀 about the previous “Grammar Does Not Exist” post. Let’s clarify quickly how one would go about dealing with this thing that doesn’t exist. 1. Look at a grammar book if you want, but don’t worry about…

Khatzumoto Server Update/Temporary Downtime Announcement

Users of KhatzuMemo, unite! From each according to his item collection, to each according to his interval! …Well, that was awkward. Anyway, AJATT’s webhost is upgrading its servers to a newer version of MySQL, so the KhatzuMemo database is going to be down for a short while. It should be back up again well within…