再投稿!(今回は大丈夫かなぁ・・・) 「マンガ 金正日入門」。凄い面白かった!歴史の勉強にも成った。然し、匿名情報源が勿論多くて、その分だけ信憑性を問わざるを得ない。 tinyurl.com/6hrmpd
最近「マンガ 金正日…
by khatzumoto
最近「マンガ 金正日入門」(http://tinyurl.com/6hrmpd)を読破しやした・・・内容的には凄く興味深かった。事実かどうかはまた別の話だけどね。何せ匿名情報源が多いからサァ、その分だけ不正確な記述(捏造?)の可能性はヤッパリ否めない。
日本語上等Pod…Cast?: Episode 2 Script + Manga
by khatzumoto
OK, so…Tony won that little competition that Keiko announced in the previous podcast. Good job! For your reading pleasure, here’s the script he transcribed. And here’s the manganization by Keiko…It ended up being 5 齣….rejoice!
Secrets to Smoother SRSing, Part 1: The SRS Is a Servant, Not a Master
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series Secrets to Smoother SRSingThis is part 1 of a multi-part series on smoother SRSing. Word! Alliteration, son! It’s in the air and the power is yours! …That was awkward. So, anyway, a lot of people have been going insane in the membrane with SRS stress.…
日本語上等Pod…Cast?: Episode 2
by khatzumoto
齋藤の圭子 (Keiko of the House of Saito) and I return! With more ME speaking 日本語nese! And Keiko, also in, ehh, Japanese! And stuff! Be sure to listen in for the special challenge at the end of the show…send your replies by email. Here’s the cast of pod…. Special thanks to Kevin of the House of…
Quantity Over Quality
by khatzumoto
uberstuber, an AJATTeer whom many of you will know, linked me to this great article at Coding Horror called “Quantity Always Trumps Quality”. It resonates with a lot of things you’ve seen mentioned here before. Namely, that people who become amazing at something — people who become the best in their field — aren’t prolific…