This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series Secrets to Smoother SRSingThis is part 5 of a multi-part series on smoother SRSing. I’ve mentioned timeboxing many times before; it’s just one of those things that’s so useful you want everyone to try it. Timeboxing seems to be very beneficially lopsided in that it’s…
KBL: Khatzumoto’s Book List, August 2008
by khatzumoto
[Update: The people have spoken! In addition to links, alternative purchase links to YesAsia have been added where available! These may be useful to those outside of Japan, since YesAsia offer free worldwide shipping. Sometimes the markup makes it so that it evens out, but at other times it is a better deal for…
Khatzumoto’s Book List…Club…List…Whatever [KBL]: Introduction
by khatzumoto
Hello [I am Lothar of the Hill People]! And welcome to the 0th edition of what many people are calling “The Oprah’s Book Club of the Internet, but without the charm, influence or relevance, and mostly in Japanese anyway…”. A lot of people have asked me for book recommendations. And I struggle with this. On…
日本語上等Pod…Cast?: Episode 3
by khatzumoto
お待たせしました!日本語上等ポッドキャスト第3回!フゥー! 今回、スペシャルゲストとして、ユーチューブで超有名のTkyoSamをお迎えしております。ご清聴あれ! Jubilation! After a long wait, the podcast has come to it’s magical third episode! Today, we welcome Youtube’s one and only TkyoSam as our special guest. Rissun! The mp3 file of the podcast that is being referred to in the title of this post. Once again, special thanks to Kevin son of McLeod… I’m …
by khatzumoto I’m in love with this song…
The Gaijin 12-Step Program
by khatzumoto
Someone died and made me king, prince and dictator-for-life of all gaijin. As my first responsibility, I have 12 tips for gaijin… -1. Yes, I have changed a lot of my opinions here. I was wrong. I was bringing a lot of baggage and history from west of Japan. None of that belongs here; it…