
ご無沙汰です。実は余り記事をアップしていないにはチャンとした理由が御座ったぞ。なんか、色々迷ってた。新しいブログ立ち上げようかナァーって。で、GoDaddyさんにて新ドメイン名登録をするかしないかその瞬間、池袋ウェストゲートパークのマコト君かのように「(ヤッパ)面倒臭ええ!」と悟った。新しいドメインを登録し、WordPressまでインストールして、ゼロからコンテンツを蓄えるなんて超メンドクセエ!別に従来のAJATT記事とは違う雰囲気のモノをアップしても悪くない(じゃん?)。だからこのママ継続したいかと思いますぅ。4649ね。 さて・・・ 最近、広東語の習得(決して「勉強」じゃないぞ!)の一環として、陳冠希/エディソン=チェンの音楽を聴いてんだけど・・・とにかく、奴は上手い。ラップも。ビートも。写真流出事件の所為で芸能界引退を発表した陳だが、やっぱり辞めなかった方がイイと俺は思う。歌手としても、俳優としても、続けて欲しい。ていうか、イケメン俳優が美人女優と「ああいう」(ヤバっ。韻踏んじゃった)関係を持つのがそんなにショックなの?たかが写真の所為でサァ・・・ってソモソモ悪いのはデータを盗んだパソコン修理店員だろうがよ!悔しい。 超ォォ浅はかな内容でスイマセンが、一応アタシの意見です。 以上等

Understanding The News: James’ Success Story

A while back, I wrote an article on how to teach yourself to understand Japanese (TV) news to basically 100% comprehension. Essentially a “how I did it and how you can, too”. A young, virile, extremely good-looking man named James followed that advice. This is his story, in his own words, with some extra formatting/editing…

KhatzuMemo Update — Item Warning, Swap QA et. al

Nations of the world, lift up your heads! For KhatzuMemo has been updated. These are the new features: Edit Item Fix My webhost recently upgraded to a newer version of PHP, and so some of the code involved with page transitions had to be updated. You may have noticed that you were enable to edit…

How To Learn and Review Kanji Using an SRS

For reference purposes, let’s discuss how one would learn kanji (meaning and writing only) using an SRS. It’s quite simple, really. The question section (the front of the “SRS electronic flash card”) contains the keyword (core meaning) of the kanji and the mnemonic story that links the structural components of the character to the keyword…

More Japanese Websites

You know, one of the things we take for granted is knowing what websites to visit. When you’re trying to immerse yourself in a language, you may not know where to go on the internets for good stuff to read. Well, here I am to save the day again, with more website recommendations. A friend…

Chinese Project Notes 9: Making Your Own Music

So, I was sitting at the train station, about to go to the starting point of one of my epic walks, listening to my meager collection of Cantonese hip-hop which consisted (consists?) entirely of the few LMF songs I was able to scrape together. But I was really enjoying it, and realizing that I understood…