Just so we’re clear on this: gigantic, Microsoftial sums of money changed hands before this article came up. This, people, is what ska fans call “selling out”…What else, oh yeah — you need one of these! Buy one or you’ll never know happiness! In fact, buy two! I’ve previously discussed Japanizing your environment, and part…
Help A Reader Out
by khatzumoto
A reader named X-star sent me an email today. Here it is, slightly abridged, and with sections added to ease referencing. Hey. I found your site very motivating, but slightly confusing at times. I’ve dabbled in a bit of Japanese, learned the kana/a very small amount of kanji, picked up words here and there, textbooks…
Time Management 2: The Stuff I Forgot To Say Last Time
by khatzumoto
OK, for whatever reason I forgot to add these to the last post. BAD Khatzumoto! Here we go: Oh, wait, before we start, wanna here a sad story? I wrote this post out in one go like 3 days ago, and then a mis-directed click caused me to lose it. All of it, son. Desk-slamming…
Technical Issues Resolved
by khatzumoto
So, um…Today, there seemed to have been a little problem with this site. You may have seen an “Internal Server Error”. That issue has now been resolved. I’m not sure what it was exactly, but it may have been my fault (theory # 1: a database query gone wild; theory #2: an act of war…
Time Management: Too Much Japanese?
by khatzumoto
No such thing. I think. I don’t think there is such a thing as doing “too much Japanese”. A language isn’t just a hobby, it isn’t just something to kill time, it’s a life skill. LIFE skill. That’s English for “important”. There aren’t many things in life that it’s nearly impossible to function without socially,…
If You Remember Nothing Else…
by khatzumoto
Remember this. A language is not actually a skill. It’s not something you can take and “have”. We talk about “acquiring” it, which implies possession, but in fact it cannot be possessed as such. A language is a habit. It is a way of being. So if in doubt about just how to go about…