OK, so, against my better judgment, I’m going to engage in a lot of very cruel (but relatively subtle) stereotyping here. But bear with me, because it’s all for a good cause: you. Here’s the deal. You don’t need to be a masochistic Confucian or a fatalistic Darwinist. Be Loki, not Zeus. Be a trickster…
What Holds You Back?
by khatzumoto
“It’s not who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not.” [Identity and Self-Fulfilling Prophecy | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time] goo.gl/zkNPWS
Don’t Do Your Best
by khatzumoto
Don’t do your best. Do what you can right now with what you have right now. Do the best that you can do right now, not the best possible thing, not the best thing you have ever done, not the right thing, not the thing that will get you the least made fun of, not…
The Consuela Effect: Why You Must Learn Japanese
by khatzumoto
In the past, I have made statements to the effect that languages are intellectual toys and that learning them is nothing but a game to be played for fun and never out of a sense of duty. I stand by these statements. They are still true. But today, I want to hit you with something…
How To Hate Correctly
by khatzumoto
Negative generalizations are — hating groups is — always counterproductive. Have you met every Japanese person alive? Did they all react to you the same? Here’s how you hate: Love groups. Hate individuals. Don’t spread your hate around. Focus it on specific individuals, specific encounters, specific situations. Don’t dilute it. Concentrate it. Give it out in…
Interview with an AJATT Success Story: “Japanese people are the same as you, they’ve just been in the game longer.”
by khatzumoto
Amir saw Kelsey Exeter’s inception success story, and so decided to share his own! Here’s our interview: Amir: I’m a success story too btw. Learned Japanese to fluency inspired by your site. 😉 Khatz: How did you get started? What was your language experience (home and school) pre-AJATT Amir: I started 4 years ago. Before I found…