Don’t compare yourself to others Don’t compare yourself to others Don’t compare yourself to others Are they you? No? Then don’t compare yourself to them Run your own race Stay in your own lane, both physically and mentally. Also… Don’t compare yourself to others When you eat, does your pooh come out of them? What?…
AJATT is Pragma Not Dogma
by khatzumoto
“Nothing has inflicted more suffering on humanity than its dogmas. It is true that every dogma crumbles sooner or later, because reality will eventually disclose its falseness; however, unless the basic delusion of it is seen for what it is, it will be replaced by others.” Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks Don’t believe in AJATT. Don’t…
Success Story: AJATT Inceptioned Me!
by khatzumoto
Kelsey Exeter (←not his real name), an AJATTeer, anime fan and professional musician from Murika, shares his success story: Hello, I first found your site 5 years ago when I became interested in Japan, and it was my first introduction to the idea that you could learn a language without taking a class. I didn’t…
Immersion Hack for Binge Reading: Millisecond and Microsecond Stopwatches
by khatzumoto
So, I have an ongoing obsession with randomness, that has taken many forms. And one of those forms has been the search for good (read: quick-loading and easy-to-use) random number generators for the purposes of, well, doing random things, like randomized timeboxing (rantim) or page-jumps in a book. The hack is this: use the millisecond…
The Three Types of Failure, How To Tell Them Apart and How to Use Them
by khatzumoto
“The more mistakes and failure you can handle without loss of self-esteem, the faster you can grow, and the grander and more expansive your growth experiences can be.” [Beating Yourself Up – Steve Pavlina] The problem with English and every other language I have been exposed to is that it has (they have) only…
How to Do Immersion Multiplexing Using an Android Device (Tablet/Smartphone)
by khatzumoto
“In telecommunications and computer networks, multiplexing (sometimes contracted to muxing) is a method by which multiple analog or digital signals are combined into one signal over a shared medium. The aim is to share a scarce resource.” [Multiplexing – Wikipedia] Dru-uhgs are bad. Multitasking is bad. Multiplexing is good. Multitasking is trying to produce multiple…