This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series A Year Isn’t A Year if It’s Not a Year: Stop Counting Money By Weighing ItRecently, I met this one girl. She’s really cute. And she knows Japanese. Fluently. Native-level fluently. After only studying it four years. She talks circles around people who studied it…
KhatzuMemo Update: Changes To Same-Day Repetition Scheduling + Slashes on Quotes
by khatzumoto
We will fight them on the beaches! So…a feature that was annoying a lot of people was the whole “make you do an item a kajillion times over” plan. That has now been changed, so that if you get an item wrong, even if it gets set to be re-tested on the same day (rather…
Book Review: Absolutely DO NOT Study English! A Korean AntiMoon in Japanese
by khatzumoto
Let’s keep this one short. Every so often in the history of humankind, a book comes along that will forever change us. Or not, I don’t know. But really, every few weeks or so, I find a book that is just so perfect that it’s as if it was written just for me to read…
The Top 10 Best Japanese TV Shows Of Recent Times (2000~2007)
by khatzumoto
First off, let me share that I believe that everyone should, no MUST, follow their own personal preferences when it comes to selecting learning materials. In order for you to learn Japanese voluntarily, it has to be enjoyable, and for it to be enjoyable, you have to be able to watch, listen to and read…
KhatzuMemo Cellphone Drive
by khatzumoto
Friends, Romans, countrymen. I’ve had isolated reports from some people of KhatzuMemo not working on their phones. This is serious, not least because KhatzuMemo is all about…working on people’s phones. So for the purposes of helping everyone out, if you use, have used, or have tried to use KhatzuMemo on your cellphone, please, by way…
Top 10 Reasons Why Expats Who Live In Japan Don’t Know Japanese
by khatzumoto
A lot of people from foreign countries — including people of Japanese descent — come to Japan without a lick of Japanese. And stay that way. For years. Here’s why. I just made this list up based on personal observations, so it’s not complete or definitive. If you have any ideas, feel free to add…