A while ago someone asked me whether I still maintained a Japanese environment and why…I told him that yes, I did. And that it was because I believe that while sucking ends, learning never does. Don’t I sound so deep and wise? HahaHaha. That reason may be partly true, but it may also be self-righteous…
Japanese Shows with Exact Subs: The List of Honour
by khatzumoto
As many of you are painfully aware, most Japanese-language movies, TV dramas and animes still have no subs on the DVDs. Foreign/Hollywood movies dubbed into Japanese generally do have subs, but these are almost never exact dialogue transcripts (at least, I have never seen one), rather they are a rewording or a paraphrasing. But why?…
How To Learn Multiple Languages Without Getting Confused: The Laddering Method
by khatzumoto
It can safely be said that almost everything I’ve written on this site is backed up by personal experience — and personal success. Certainly, when it comes to methods that I’ve shared, I share them because I have used them myself and gotten great results. One of the reasons I stopped visiting online forums for…
How To Make The Most of a Visit to Japan…Or Any Other Country
by khatzumoto
A couple of months ago, a high school kid teaching herself German asked me for tips on how she should make the most of an upcoming visit to Austria. Here is what I told her…Austria and German have been replaced by Japan and Japanese, but either way, the advice still applies. It’s mostly common sense,…
by khatzumoto
よく「辞書を絶対使うな」と耳にするが、これは馬鹿馬鹿しいと言えば馬鹿馬鹿しい。辞書を使わずに一体どうやって言葉の意味を正確に理解すれば良いのだろうか?矢張り大事なのは、辞書を使うか使わないかではなく、辞書の使い方だ。文章を書きながら一々言葉を辞書で調べていると支離滅裂になり相手にうまく伝わらないだろう。詰まり、地獄への道同然だ。 昔から「言葉は最大の武器だ」という。本当にそうであれば、辞書を引くのは正に銃の引き金を引くのと同じことで、訓練をしなければならない。そこで言語学習者にとって辞書の役割は、ただ単語を教える事を超えて、取扱説明書の様に用例や「下に打ち消しの語を伴う」の様な注意などを通してその単語の用法を教える事も不可欠である。用例・注意などを満載した辞書は、まるで親友同然の宝物。 だから辞書は、「絶対使うな」なんて言葉に耳を貸さず、喜んで正しく使おう。何故かと言うと、永遠に頼る物ではなく寧ろ我々を解放する道具になる。辞書を座右の友にし頻繁に引き、引いた語の用例の意味を覚えよう。その用例をSRSに入力し復習しよう。すると、辞書に頼っていたからこそ徐々に頼る(引く)必要が減って行く。確かに時間が掛かるが、この手法の経験者として「価値はある」と確証する。辞書が無いと生きていけなかった私が、今では初めて見る単語の意味を調べず文脈から正確に推定できる様になったし、辞書を引く理由は殆どが好奇心からである。「絶対使うな」とのアドバイスに従っていれば恐らくここまで成長しなかっただろう。 Click here for English version .
How To Read Out The Things That Aren’t Written Explicitly In Japanese: Postal Addresses
by khatzumoto
One of my continuing sub-interests in Japanese has been how to read things that aren’t explicitly written in Japanese. These things are a part of the Japanese language, and there are widely accepted ways as to how to read them, but for whatever reason they’re so obvious or so unnecessary to write that everyone seems…