Good day to you, Mr. Khatz It’s morning here in cloudy Amsterdam, and I just thought I’d kill some time sharing my little story with you while eating yesterday’s leftover sushi. There is nothing quite like raw fish in the morning. I really just want to thank you for your website. There, I’ve said it.…
Won’t Raw Immersion Make Me Mislearn Words?
by khatzumoto
Anonymous on February 12, 2014 at 03:54 The one thing that I’m self conscious about (and I speak from analogous experience) is that I’ll learn incorrectly. I’m not sure how to explain it too well, but essentially, I’d learn these words as functions rather than as words, if that makes any sense. Like, when I…
Don’t You Think It’s Time You Grew Some Eggs and Turned Your OS Japanese?
by khatzumoto
You wouldn’t believe how many gaijin I know in Japan who are convinced — absolutely convinced — that turning on Japanese TV or changing their gadget interfaces to Japanese will not help. Most have never tried. Some did try for a couple of weeks. My question is: why are they so sure? Where does that…
How Is Learning a Language Like Breathing?
by khatzumoto
Difference matters more than distance. The distance between nothing and something is small. But the difference is infinite. “Cause snobs” often talk about making a difference. They’re especially fond of overly combative, guilt-inducing statements like: “if you’re not part of the solution, part you’re part of the problem”. Arguably, they’re right. And if they are,…
What Is The End Game of Learning A Language?
by khatzumoto
Quick! What’s your end game with brushing your teeth? Where are you hoping to go with that? What are you hoping to do with it? What kind of jobs (ugh) can you get with yer clean-a$$ teeth? What’s the plan? Are you going to be a TV anchor? Huh? Are you planning on travelling to a country where they speak tooth?
What’s the Difference Between Life Before and After Fluency?
by khatzumoto
Before fluency: Play music Skim books Do SRS reps Hear and understand more than you speak Read more than you write After fluency: Play music Skim books Do SRS reps Hear and understand more than you speak Read more than you write Also, enlightenment 😉 .