Surusu Add to Reading List Bookmarklet

Works similarly to this guy. The basic idea is to do something similar to what the now-defunct SiteToPhone used to do, but with less fuss and less bureaucracy. +ATRL javascript:var%20d=document;var%20tx=(d.selection?d.selection.createRange().text:d.getSelection());var%20url=encodeURIComponent(d.location.href);var%20title=encodeURIComponent(d.title);‘’+encodeURIComponent(tx)+’&back=’+title+’&source=’+url).document;

Quantity Time is Quality Time

An adult isn’t just a big cell. A big zygote. Adding small, imperceptible changes (at the time) produces a big change at the end. Who you are now is not who you will be; who you are now is not even like who you will be; you will be a completely different person in ten…