You are never the right age for anything. 5: You’re too small. 10: You’re too big. You were so cute when you were 5. 12: People would laugh 15: Focus on school. You can do that when you’re 25. 20: Focus on graduating college. Don’t dally, just get it out the way. You were so…
The Best Case Scenario of Fluency
by khatzumoto
The best case scenario is that your skills will become invisible to you. In. vis. ible. You don’t even realize that the “mere” act of walking is a skill you developed through practice and that if you fell out of practice starting today (by falling into, say, a coma), just 6 months of not walking…
Surusu Update: New Pattern Matching Feature
by khatzumoto
Brothers and sisters, rejoice in the name of Surusu! For a new feature is upon us, and her name shall be called wonderful pattern matching! And the government of cards shall be upon her shoulders. Pattern match is a new extension to the “skew” option. What it allows you to do is specify that you…
Zombies and Japanese, Or, The Halloween Horror Sentence Pack: Available Only Now :)
by khatzumoto
Japan is many things, and one of those things is a great producer and consumer of fear- and thrill-generating experiences. And you are many things. But above all, you are a lover of Halloween, or as we call it in my country, Christian: هالووين. What? What, I can’t do impressions of Morgan Freeman as Azeem…
Zombies and AJATT!
by khatzumoto
Coming soon…
Learning A Language Isn’t Hard, Taking Mental Beatings Is
by khatzumoto
Learning a language isn’t hard. At all. In any way. What’s hard is taking all the mental beatings you give yourself. Stop the beatings and it’s all smooth sailing. In fact, it becomes so easy that you’ll be using “learning” (getting used to) a language as your escape activity, to get away from and out…