How to Find Japanese Audiobooks Online

Easy Buy them from Audible Japan or [Audible (オーディブル):本は、聴こう。|ボイスブック・オーディオブック配信・サービス|] [忙しいあなたも、耳は意外とヒマしてる –] BTW, I strongly recommend over Audible if only because Audible Japan is still maturing as a service. Audible is just growing pains galore and many dumb, byzantine rules — like that you have to not only have Japanese plastic…

Watching Books and Reading TV: Entropy Bombs in Action

So, we’ve talked about this before, but it’s one of those things that’s always worth bringing up again, if for no other reason than my own explanations rarely make sense to even me, their author, months and years later. YouTube is TV now. YouTube is the TV of our age. Let’s stop pretending it isn’t:…

LinkMixer: A Tool for Finding Good Immersion Material on the Fly

This seemed cool and random… Ghost in the Shell in Cantonese: [【720P/粵語】攻殼機動隊:新劇場版【無字幕】_嗶哩嗶哩 (゜-゜)つロ 乾杯~-bilibili] You can also buy DVDs of it from YesAsia: [YESASIA: “ghost in the shell” 搜尋結果 – 動畫 – – 北美網站] And it all came thanks to this little tool: (The Link Mixer) If I were you (which, admittedly,…

Making Decisions Is Your Life Now

This entry is part of 7 in the series The First World Problem is Choice

This entry is part of 7 in the series The First World Problem is ChoiceDecision-making is the defining form of labor for our age. Outside of obvious blue-collar contexts, nothing we do is physically very difficult any more, but it is emotionally so — hence the term “emotional labor”, something I first heard from Seth…