“Your only principle…should be to have no principles.” ~ Robert Greene SRS changed my life. I love SRS. Read Nutshell, and you’ll find that a third of the material (at this writing) is about SRSing. But as much of an SRS Flatlander as I am, I know, intellectually, that not everyone has to love it…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week of 2013-04-06
by khatzumoto
"…what *works* is significantly more important than what's *new*" ~ Seth Godin 21:06:21 Chinese Classics, original text + English translation: Dao De Jing – Chinese Text Project t.co/oyv1yUtqf0 #MCD #bait 22:07:39 New @ AJATT Plus: Cantonese Read Aloud: Spartacus t.co/VQvoQn7zKq 00:00:44 RT @taijuando: "sit down at the piano and touch the keys. Five minutes a…
Method Over Morality: Don’t Improve Yourself. Stop Trying to Become a Better Person.
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series Mediocre Excellence“Much mischief results from our taking a moral position on matters which are not basically moral matters at all.” ~ Maxwell Maltz “More defeats and failures are due to mental blindness than to moral deviations.” ~ Raymond Holliwell 「不管白貓黑貓,能抓到老鼠就是好貓」 “It doesn’t matter whether it’s…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week of 2013-03-30
by khatzumoto
【腑甲斐無い・不甲斐無い】ふがいない (形)[文]ク ふがひな・し 情けないくらいだらしない。意気地がない。「連敗するとは—・い」「われながら—・い」 [派生]━ さ(名) #daijirin 22:33:17 「アニメコンテンツエキスポ2013」開幕、ステージも通路も人がギッシリ – GIGAZINE t.co/HXvJP0o1QF 13:08:44 RTHK 1 – 香港電台 第一台 92.6 FM Kowloon – Listen Online – t.co/eVQEQpKQSy 13:38:28 New @ AJATT Plus: [CSP] The Computer Software Sentence Pack: Episode 2 t.co/HzoSTK9RQy 11:59:53 RT @shizukada: 約束 약속 Promise (Original J-Drama) [字幕付き] (in Japanese/Korean/English): t.co/5oYAk5JjwK @ajatt 16:33:26 許添盛醫師 -行動之門:去做吧!力量就在當下(下) – YouTube t.co/UOJQ3NFE5Q…
Why Organized Ideas Are Bad: The Power of Rambling and the Tragedy of Organization
by khatzumoto
Organized ideas are nice but the real gems are dropped in the disorder, in the stream of consciousness. Organizing always kills those gems. So, I buy and consume a lot of learning programs and stuff. The best by far, in terms of content, are the ones that are DISorganized, where the author is just speaking…
What is All This “AJATT” Nonsense? Find Out When You Get Nutshell: The Entire AJATT Method Condensed Into 1 Page
by khatzumoto
Hey, what’s up? What exactly is the AJATT (“All Japanese All The Time”) method? That question doesn’t have a short — or permanent — answer. Nor, in my opinion, should it. Why? Because it’s always evolving, and people always need clarification. AJATT.com — that’s this site — has grown quite a bit over the years,…