"Anyone who doesn't believe in the impossible is not a realist" ~ Horst Teltschik 16:00:13 "…every single hearing baby on Earth somehow managed to learn every single language on Earth…" t.co/tIZyZP3q2u 18:00:13 手機漫畫_海賊王漫畫第704話第1頁閱讀 t.co/Q2YUTdlu02 #onepiece #chinese 20:00:14 RT @ItsKimLianne: Neues Video schon gesehen? 🙂 t.co/qAltwwNz1f 22:00:11 Don’t be snobbish. Do be picky. #immersion 00:00:40 Refuse…
You Are What You Eat, You Write What You Read, You Speak What You Hear
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series Secrets of SpeakingThe attentive will recall that Jamie (an AJATTeer) came up with what I still consider to be the greatest analogy in the history of learning languages about a year ago. The attentive will also recall that a photo of Sarah Silverman on the…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week of 2013-04-27
by khatzumoto
ビジネス英語翻訳學習館 "POTUS"って何? t.co/OJXwqNe4zh 17:10:04 A lack of sleep—not age—may dull memory skills | The Advisory Board Company t.co/0J619xjQmG 21:04:04 Cantonese Sci-Fi Podcast Sci-Fi全面睇 – 開台 Open Radio Hong Kong-網上電台及Podcast t.co/QFDYI0KAXb 10:09:02 Cantonese online radio and podcast directory 開台 Open Radio Hong Kong – 網上電台及Podcast t.co/lPSn8jd8yJ 12:46:02 睡公主 Sleeping Beauty 'I Wonder + Once Upon A…
Step Into the Sunlight, But Don’t Look Into the Sun
by khatzumoto
The big, central goal, the sun around which our actions orbit, can overwhelm and disorient us with its size and power and magnitude. But you can take yourself and other people to any extreme of excellence or lameness if you narrow their mental focus away from the debilitatingly magnitudinous core goal and towards productive, forward-moving, helpful minutiae. In other words: don’t even try to brush your teeth, just put the toothbrush in your mouth.
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week of 2013-04-20
by khatzumoto
Beware premature optimization. Often the best way and time to do something is "at all". #SRS #immersion 17:10:03 12 ways I used to get my Mandarin to Native Level Fluency | Foreign Language Hacking t.co/lZAPgp3Gk3 21:04:03 交易通.搵車快線 – 1108 – 頭文字Evolution 韓製!巨蛋大包圍 Segway t.co/zUVntFcbc6 21:29:23 【物臭・懶】ものぐさ (名・形動)[文]ナリ 〔古くは「ものくさ」〕 ①何かすることを面倒がること。また,そのような性質や人。また,そのさま。ぶしょう。「━な人」「━をする」 ②→ものぐさぞうりに同じ。 #daijirin 02:19:04 pmthreads – Japanese Children's…
Intermediate Angst: Dealing With Feelings of Suckage
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 14 in the series Intermediate AngstThus spake Hangul Fangirl (@HangulFangirl): “[Dear Khatzumoto, You are handsome beyond comprehension. And also very slim. Your delicate, schoolgirl figure is an inspiration to us all.] How do you get past the feeling that you’re not progressing and end up forgetting to keep going?…