In my personal experience, by far the best bilingual material for someone approaching an L2, is L1 learning materials for L2 speakers. So, in your case, that’ll be ESL (English as a Second Language) materials for Japanese and Chinese speakers. Why? Well, because, Grasshopper; There’s always way too much L2 material. ESL books for Japanese…
New AJATT Facebook Page
by khatzumoto
So…I’m still not sure whether this Internet thing is going to catch on or not, but…yeah…there’s a new AJATT Facebook page. Feel free to drop by and say hi.
Dude. Do It. It’ll Work.
by khatzumoto
Dude. Got an idea? Do it. It’ll work. “But…But…” Jus’ dew it! “Waitaminute, Khatz: you’re handsome, not clairvoyant, how do you know it’ll work?” Because I just know, OK? It’ll work. And even if doesn’t work…it’ll work. Why? Because when you do, you become a doer, a tryer, a player. You become the kind of…
How To Use A Language Exchange Partner Before You Can Talk
by khatzumoto
You don’t need to wait until you can talk to get a language exchange partner. They don’t need to be able to speak to you (or you to them) in order to be “useful” in terms of learning (getting used to) a language. Before you can actually talk to each other, your language exchange partner can…
Just Do More of the Good Stuff You’re Already Doing
by khatzumoto
We’re constantly admonished by others and ourselves to “get outside our comfort zone“…s and “think outside the box” and “think outside the ‘thinking outside the box’ box” and…”innovate”. And that’s stuff’s great. It’s toadly awesome. Go for it. But I think that lost in the fog of good advice and good intentions is the fact that,…
Practical Tips on What To Do Instead of New Year’s Resolutions
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series New Year’s Is StoopidOK, so, we’ve let down our pants and gone and taken a collective #2 on a New Year’s tradition. So what now? Well, I like to think that every day is New Year’s; I really do; every day is a chance to…