AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-05-20

一騎当千~乱世ランブル~(GS+一騎当千) "人、これを【闘士】という・・・・・" t.co/ECKOwG72 # Ikkitousen 12 – YouTube t.co/Zv044B28 #一騎当千 # アメリカのテレビドラマ全巻BOX t.co/qGU1Ey8W @さんから # ティム・クリング の HEROES コンプリートDVD-BOX を Amazon でチェック! t.co/shLuhYoU @さんから # SHINee(샤이니) _ RingDingDong(링딩동) _ MusicVideo – YouTube t.co/Dyzwvwux # "they have time to cram for 12 hours in 2-3 days before an exam. Where did all this time come from?"…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-05-20

一騎当千~乱世ランブル~(GS+一騎当千) "人、これを【闘士】という・・・・・" t.co/ECKOwG72 # Ikkitousen 12 – YouTube t.co/Zv044B28 #一騎当千 # アメリカのテレビドラマ全巻BOX t.co/qGU1Ey8W @さんから # ティム・クリング の HEROES コンプリートDVD-BOX を Amazon でチェック! t.co/shLuhYoU @さんから # SHINee(샤이니) _ RingDingDong(링딩동) _ MusicVideo – YouTube t.co/Dyzwvwux # "they have time to cram for 12 hours in 2-3 days before an exam. Where did all this time come from?"…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-05-20

一騎当千~乱世ランブル~(GS+一騎当千) "人、これを【闘士】という・・・・・" t.co/ECKOwG72 # Ikkitousen 12 – YouTube t.co/Zv044B28 #一騎当千 # アメリカのテレビドラマ全巻BOX t.co/qGU1Ey8W @さんから # ティム・クリング の HEROES コンプリートDVD-BOX を Amazon でチェック! t.co/shLuhYoU @さんから # SHINee(샤이니) _ RingDingDong(링딩동) _ MusicVideo – YouTube t.co/Dyzwvwux # "they have time to cram for 12 hours in 2-3 days before an exam. Where did all this time come from?"…

You Can’t Afford Not To Buy Japanese Books

If you think [books are] expensive, try ignorance Derek Bok, Bastardized by Khatzumoto 😀 “there are golden houses in books and there are beautiful girls in books” Understanding Chinese Culture and Learning Ting Wang University of Canberra, Australia Trying to get used to an L2 without buying books is like trying to go to college…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-05-13

YK 奕峻 – BEIJING 2 NY [YOUNG KIN FREESTYLE] – YouTube t.co/kFlapzNv #mandarin #hiphop # Young Kin – Wei Xiao – YouTube t.co/drHJS8ZT #mandarin #hiphop # 大囍門 – 帥哥 – YouTube t.co/irvDSVn5 # How to learn Japanese: (1) Get Japanese cable (2) Turn on your TV at 9am on Monday morning (3) Turn it off…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-05-13

YK 奕峻 – BEIJING 2 NY [YOUNG KIN FREESTYLE] – YouTube t.co/kFlapzNv #mandarin #hiphop # Young Kin – Wei Xiao – YouTube t.co/drHJS8ZT #mandarin #hiphop # 大囍門 – 帥哥 – YouTube t.co/irvDSVn5 # How to learn Japanese: (1) Get Japanese cable (2) Turn on your TV at 9am on Monday morning (3) Turn it off…