AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-05-06

Timeboxing decisions → introducing a timeout and a default. It's like using numerical methods instead of…straight, pure(?) math 😀 # タンマ(たんま) – 日本語俗語辭書 "タンマの語源は數多くあるが、有力なものとして「待った」の倒語説(註參照)、time(またはtime out)" t.co/ODiHavPP # "each new language you learn is a chance to sorta relive childhood" t.co/ectvNTtz # "You can…learn effortless[ly]…If you put a little effort into building your language environment." t.co/ectvNTtz…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-05-06

Timeboxing decisions → introducing a timeout and a default. It's like using numerical methods instead of…straight, pure(?) math 😀 # タンマ(たんま) – 日本語俗語辭書 "タンマの語源は數多くあるが、有力なものとして「待った」の倒語説(註參照)、time(またはtime out)" t.co/ODiHavPP # "each new language you learn is a chance to sorta relive childhood" t.co/ectvNTtz # "You can…learn effortless[ly]…If you put a little effort into building your language environment." t.co/ectvNTtz…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-04-29

マンデルブロ集合 – Wikipedia "Mandelbrot set" t.co/ciHAW9mO # Push "play". Volume up. Good. You're done. #immersion # Push "play". Volume up. Good. You're done. #exposure # You can't learn a language you're not exposed to. #exposure #immersion # 破釜沉舟 – 學習加油站 "大家要有破釜沉舟的決心,才能戰勝一切困難,完成任務。" t.co/adShMuJi #break #pots #sink #ships # Chinese idioms 52 – 破釜沉舟 – YouTube t.co/cpvUJ0yG…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-04-29

マンデルブロ集合 – Wikipedia "Mandelbrot set" t.co/ciHAW9mO # Push "play". Volume up. Good. You're done. #immersion # Push "play". Volume up. Good. You're done. #exposure # You can't learn a language you're not exposed to. #exposure #immersion # 破釜沉舟 – 學習加油站 "大家要有破釜沉舟的決心,才能戰勝一切困難,完成任務。" t.co/adShMuJi #break #pots #sink #ships # Chinese idioms 52 – 破釜沉舟 – YouTube t.co/cpvUJ0yG…