10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin!

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series MCD Revolution

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series MCD RevolutionIn the summer of 2010, I innocently started experimenting with a new SRS technique. Easy, effortless and effective, the technique rapidly ballooned in scope, creatively destroying all that came before it. It worked. Devastatingly well. On October 18, 2010, my sentence deck breathed its…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-02-26

John Dies at the End » F[lub] the Karate Kid t.co/bog0410P #lol # "Just do something, anything, and try to learn while doing it.  Eventually, you will learn." t.co/bV2CSVpH # "all you need to do is expose yourself to a language with the *intent* of understanding it." t.co/bV2CSVpH # You insult your heroes by worshipping…

Improving Your Life Through Japanese

This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series Best of AJATT+ Forum

This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series Best of AJATT+ ForumHi, it’s rigabamboo with another AJATT+ gem I found in the forums. Has following AJATT principles changed your life in any way? Besides, y’know, the obvious – becoming awesome at Japanese. ダンちゃん, for example, apparently has abs now! I have a little…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-02-19

ビースティ・ボーイズ – Wikipedia "名前の由來は、メンバーが敬愛するハードコア・パンクの重鎮バッド・ブレインズ(Bad Brains)のイニシャル B・B に縁掛けて、" t.co/4CjXABFo # "Someday is today. Today is now." ~ MJ DeMarco #immersion # "showing up is what really counts, not the imagined quality of practise you don’t get" t.co/FuXAmuIQ # When perfectionism becomes an obstacle to progress – Hacking Chinese "What’s the alternative to 100%?" t.co/FuXAmuIQ # "Some…