Is it in Japanese? Was it made for Japanese people? Then it’s good for your Japanese. Is it boring? Then it’s bad for your Japanese.
The Moë Sentence Pack: The Most Dangerous and Sinfully Sexy Sentence Pack Ever Created
by khatzumoto
Update@2012-01-15: It’s not Valentine’s Day anywhere on Earth any more, so this product is no longer available. But maybe you’ll see it again in 2013 😛 . It’s Valentine’s Day, mofo! That’s right. Singles Awareness Day. The day when single people become painfully aware of their singleness. Or not. Whatever. Anyway. Yeah. Valentine’s Day. VD.…
How To Get Nothing Done: The Art and Science of Wresting Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 22 of 26 in the series Timeboxing Trilogy Don’t accept anything but the best. Don’t break it down into small pieces. Don’t timebox. Do everything in big time increments. Real work happens in big time increments. Tire yourself out. Don’t stop until you’re bored and hate yourself. Don’t take any shortcuts…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-02-12
「告訴我,朋友。智者薩魯曼甚麼時候棄明投暗了?!」 "Tell me, friend. When did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for madness?" #LOTR #mandarin # 博客來書籍館>掌握時間的舵手:高績效的時間管理(無書,附2CD) #time management #audiobook #mandarin #pd # "A soccer player does not need a diploma from Seoul National University; he only needs to kick the ball well." # "Illustrations from the 1948 children's comic The Magic Underground Castle (魔の地中城) " # New at AJATT Plus: Don't…
How To Get To Planet X: Their Can’t Ain’t Your Can’t
by khatzumoto
If you’re trying to get to point X, then the only people whose opinion matters…the only opinions that matter are those of people who’ve been there. And if no one else has ever been there, then no one else’s opinion matters. It doesn’t matter that they’ve been to point M and you’re still at point…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-02-05
Habit is more important than equipment. Don't wait for that perfect equipment to arrive. Get in the practice habit now. # 壬生町 – Wikipedia "かつて、おもちゃ工場を誘致して工業団地を開発したことから、「おもちゃのまち」というユニークな地名が存在する。" # 10/1(金)BeBe SOL by SOL 誕生! :: ∞ SOL ∞ # "Speaking is easier than listening…the real test of fluency is whether or not you can understand what’s…