Learning a language is like committing murder. Although all forms of murder basically amount to suffocation, immolation, stabbing (direct organ and tissue damage) or “overwhelming the immune response”, there are an infinite number of variations within that. So to say “only method X works!”, “method X is the correct way” is like saying “human beings…
SinoSpoon: SilverSpoon for Mandarin. It’s What Marco Polo Wishes He’d Had
by khatzumoto
Thank you for your interest in the SilverSpoon program. SilverSpoon 1.0 has been discontinued and will no longer be offered in any form. It is replaced by SilverSpoon 7.0: Neutrino, the new SilverSpoon. For more information on Neutrino, please visit the Neutrino main page. You deserve better. I don’t really think that. But it totally…
Competition is for the Weak and Lazy
by khatzumoto
“The only way to beat the competition is to stop trying to beat the competition.” ~ Kim & Mauborgne “Average ones compete with others. Great ones compete with themselves.” Vadim Kotelnikov “There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.” Hindu Proverb…
Luxurious Worries, Or: So Effing What If You Sound Like An Anime?!
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 7 of 12 in the series Secrets of SpeakingPeople, I am sick and phequing tired of hearing it. Whether on the Internets or in RL, if Japanese is the topic of discussion, there always seems to be a kind, intelligent, well-meaning buck futter waiting in the wings to tell you: “Don’t…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-11-20
#Shazam を使って Animation の Uta I – Making Of Cyborg という曲を発見しました。 t.co/w3YWgDCR # 攻殻機動隊 シーン切り抜き 『僕らはみんな生きている』 – YouTube "涙腺崩壊のシーンの切抜き。 彼らにはゴーストがあったんだね。" t.co/QQI5ZR3l #GITS # 「ほんとに第1話に比べてゴースト宿してから喋り方が自然になったよね・・・」 攻殻機動隊 シーン切り抜き 『僕らはみんな生きている』 – YouTube t.co/xwLUaMJR # A non-native-level Japanese user worried about sounding like anime = a person in the desert, about to die of thirst, insisting on Evian. #…
Learning Japanese = Playing a Video Game, Part 1
by rigabamboo
This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series Best of AJATT+ ForumRigabamboo here with another post from what I consider to be the best of the AJATT+ forum. Do you like 塊魂 (Katamari Damacy)? AJATT+ user Kalek does, and he has an epiphany that sentence mining should be like playing Katamari. …