少數派報告 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 t.co/bX85A5XK # マイノリティ・リポート – Wikipedia t.co/qr1YXVT0 # マイノリティ・リポート―ディック作品集 (ハヤカワ文庫SF) by フィリップ・K. ディック t.co/xIZEBogI # "The deadline is the greatest human invention, because it is the invention that made all other inventions possible" — Dan Kennedy # "放低武器!" t.co/FlOEUtJy # New at AJATT Plus: ARES-3: The Science-Fiction Sentence Pack… t.co/1WKCmsnc # 借りパク(かりぱく) –…
Kill Your Heroes
by khatzumoto
Heroes are not for worshipping. Nor for murdering either, titles notwithstanding. They’re for surpassing. Don’t worship your heroes. Absorb them. Imbibe them. Imitate them. Become them. Then, exceed them. 追いつき追い越せ and all that. You want to get to the point with your heroes that you have internalized so much of their repertoire — of their essence…
A Goldmine of Japanese Dubbed Shows
by rigabamboo
This entry is part 4 of 14 in the series Best of AJATT+ ForumRigabamboo here with the Best of AJATT+ Forum. My favorite part about the forums is the sharing of free Internet resources. Buying Hollywood movies dubbed in Japanese is an expensive hobby, so I was thrilled when AJATT+ user Lavita posted this extensive…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-11-06
國產凌凌漆(粵語版)搞笑片段 – YouTube t.co/dsnlDdJ9 # ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "國產凌凌漆經典笑位(鎗斃)" t.co/WHyRnAuE # "[SRS] generally leads to better memory of the information than conducting a single study session." t.co/DV2Iogh9 #SRS # AFT – A Union of Professionals – How We Learn Ask the Cognitive Scientist ""Massed" versus "Distributed" Practice" t.co/DV2Iogh9 #SRS # How to Remember Everything…
The SRS Victory Formula (SRS Formula Victoria? :P )
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 11 of 11 in the series Secrets to Smoother SRSing Pick low-hanging fruit Eat it Grow stronger Climb higher Pick higher low-hanging fruit Return to (2) Let it be too easy. Let life be easy.
お巫山戯、日本語で: Halloween Spectacular–Zombie VS 3 Chibi-chans!
by momoko
This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series お巫山戯、日本語でWe here at AJATT usually like to focus on the lighter side of things. But especially around Halloween, there are potential dangers that everyone should be aware of. Trick-or-treating brings young people out on the streets after dark, leaving them vulnerable to attacks when they…