This entry is part 1 of 14 in the series Best of AJATT+ ForumRigabamboo here! I moderate the AJATT+ forums, so some of you may recognize me as that weirdo who checks for OL2Ls and spams the forums with posts about obscure 漢字 that nobody needs to know, ever. This is the first post…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-09-18
I'm not saying I'm a baller. I'm just saying I speak Chinese when I visit Chinese restaurants in Japan. #IAmNotAPlayerIJustBallALot # ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "アメリカザリガニ" # Go to practice to be schooled so you can be the one doing the schooling during game time. # 「復讐しながら話してみよう」って・・・言うじゃな~い?#語学の恐ろしさ # 読書 #likeaboss #上司らしく # はねるのトびら –…
The SilverSpoon VIP Waiting List
by khatzumoto
Hey! If you’re seeing this, it’s probably because SilverSpoon is sold out and/or closed for entries right now. Want me to tell you when you can try to get in? Wanna make sure you don’t miss out on round announcements, new language releases, early access and other SilverSpoon-related awesomeness? Yes? Then get your name onto…
It’s Not The Years, It’s the Seconds: A Stack of Washingtons Is Not Worth The Same As a Stack of Benjamins
by khatzumoto
Measuring language “study” time in years is like trying to count mixed cash by weighing it. Hello? Denominations…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-09-11
"You have been summoned to answer the threat of Mordor. 各々方はモルドールの脅威に立ち向かうため招集された。" # "The one ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master. 一つの指輪はサウロンにしか応じぬ。他に主を認めないのだ。" # "Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king. ゴンドールには王は在らず。ゴンドールに王は不要。" # @curryisyummy What's the difference between the three modes for cloze deletions in Surusu? # 代返…
Practice Time, Game Time
by khatzumoto
Broadly speaking, there are two modes in the sport that is language. Practice time Game time. I’m not just pointing this out in order to create filler content here. I’m not doing this for my health. I’m making this distinction because far too many people get practice time and game time confused. They come to…