Khatz, If You’re Fluent, Why Do You Still SRS?

“Dearest Khatzumoto, If you’re fluent, why do you still use SRS? I mean, it’s not like you use SRS for English words”. I get asked this question or some variation of it quite a lot, so I thought I’d answer it here. In twelve words: “Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood,…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-10-09

#Shazam を使って 方大同 の 蘇麗珍 という曲を発見しました。 # "Correct" pronunciation is not always right. – The Blog – # "while they’re making it slower, they’re also changing how the words sound" # "Friends" #Japanese #dub # V [ビジター] 〈ファースト・シーズン〉Vol.1 [DVD] by エリザベス・ミッチェル # Nodame Cantabile Episode 5 | Watch Nodame Cantabile Episode…

Is It Possible To Forget Completely?

Jake on September 25, 2011: “I’m curious to know though if you think it’s possible to become completely illiterate in a language by letting your frequency drop down to 0 for an extended period of time. Personally, I don’t think you can ever forget all of what you learned, but rather just become “rusty” or…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-10-02

New at AJATT Plus: ARES-3: The Science-Fiction Sentence Pack… # デューン # Hat good. Shoes good. Shoes on head, hat on feet, bad. #textbooks #usedontbeused # "You don't have to be good to start. You have to start to be good." Joe Sabah # そこ【其處/其所】の意味 – 國語辭書 – goo辭書 "其處" #…