
The Problem With “But Also”

The phrase “but also” is the enemy of all achievement. Anybody who tells you: “Do X but also do Y” has literally told you nothing. Because he hasn’t helped you make a decision (remember, in terms of its Latin etymology, to decide is to cut (decision/incision) and to kill (decide/homicide) — so decision always involves negation, subtraction);…

Doing Enough and Done Enough

Less than a week ago, I said this: “don’t ask if you’re “doing enough” (if you have to ask, you’re probably not 😉 )”. Today, let’s talk about why. So, occasionally, I’ll get an email from a seemingly very intelligent and diligent person, and he’ll go: “Khatzumoto! What’s up, my dude! I’ve been working hard…

How to Worry Correctly

This entry is part 17 of 17 in the series The Art of War of Learning

This entry is part 17 of 17 in the series The Art of War of LearningSometimes our worries are too luxurious. But this is not the only worry failure mode. There are other forms of irrelevant worry. The kind we’re going to talk about today is perhaps even more pervasive and more pernicious than your…