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The AJATT Book Project: Structure and Strategy and Titles and Stuff


First of all, thank you for being a patron. Thank you so much 😀

OK, to the main topic!

So, this is just a quick update. Um….I’d like to put the AJATT postings (that have been gathering since 2006 (!)) together into a book. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, but couldn’t quite figure out how to organize.

And then I remembered my own beliefs and reading style — over-organization is, in my opinion, the problem. Plus many of the most famous books in the world, including some of the holy books of your major Abrahamic religions — are very disjointed and non-linear. I just compared my writing to the Bible and the Talmud, so…my self-confidence seems to be appropriately calibrated for the task; no delusions of grandeur here 😉 .

Anyway, moving on, personally, I never read books in orderexcept comic books, but even then, I don’t read the volumes themselves in order. I don’t even watch TV shows in order; I’ve watched “Game of Thrones” mostly in Japanese and entirely out of order, not even fiction. And I never read them just once (I either read a book less than once or multiple times). And. again, I don’t truly enjoy over-organized books. The most organized books are textbooks and nobody likes those except the people who wrote them.

When I look at the books I love (rather than the ones that are simply the most common), chaos is common.

IMHO, if a reader wants bullet points so badly, that’s what “Nutshell” is for. But for anyone who wants, I don’t know, a massive AJATT doorstop(per?), then a book might be in order.

In keeping with the spirit of chaos, I won’t edit the content of the posts for the book. I won’t change every reference to “this blog” to say “this book”, worrying about having to do that has been why this project’s been getting put off for years. So the book is literally gonna be posts collected. But I would like it to add some explanatory commentary here and there (not everywhere, just randomly).

Here are some prospective titles, let me know what you think:

  • The Japanese Learning Bible, 2019 Edition
    • You can tell that a lot of straight-laced missionary types are gonna buy this accidentally and be super upset by the irreverent language.
  • The Ultimate Japanese Learning Guide, 2019 Edition
  • How To Learn Japanese By Having Fun and Watching Anime, 2019 Edition

The “edition” part is because the idea is to update this thing every so often. No need to be static. Many things change 😀 .

Again, this is just an idea, so no dates yet. Watch this space for more “idea posts”. And of course, I would love to get some feedback from you if ya gots any to give.

Peace out!

The Moto

  5 comments for “The AJATT Book Project: Structure and Strategy and Titles and Stuff

  1. Hadi
    July 13, 2018 at 20:45

    Lovely idea!

    You could smash all the ideas together and put the second part as the subtitle under the main title.

    Idea 1:
    The Ultimate Japanese Learning Bible:
    How To Learn Japanese By Having Fun and Watching Anime

    Idea 2:
    The Ultimate Japanese Learning Guide:
    How To Learn Japanese By Having Fun and Watching Anime,

  2. Luke Milligan
    July 14, 2018 at 15:54

    I don’t know what title I would suggest but your
    perspective on things is really why I keep coming back
    to the site, even though I’m not learning Japanese.
    Sometimes the blog is a kick in the butt, sometimes it’s motivating,
    sometimes it’s freeing.

    I would add to the title, or sub-title, something about how you
    can use the ideas no matter what language you’re learning! 🙂

  3. Nathann
    July 31, 2018 at 16:12

    I suggest ”All Japanese All The Time’

  4. Julian
    October 21, 2018 at 11:06

    I think “All Japanese All The Time: How to Achieve Mastery at Japanese by Having Fun” sounds pretty good

  5. Jorge
    September 17, 2019 at 13:51

    I like, The AJATT Way: Having Fun Learning Japanese.

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