
Learning Songs Using the SRS: My Current Method

Just by way of sharing concrete tactics (rather than, I guess, the abstract strategy I usually share (?)), I thought I’d write about how I learn songs using the SRS. Keep in mind that this is just what I do right now. Yes, I am the Great Khatzumoto, but you know what? Really I’m just…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-03-20

Debunking the Myth that Chinese is the World’s Most Difficult Language # Autodidactic Language Learning » – Life of a Traveling Programmer # "Stereotypes and the fragility of academic competence, motivation, and self-concept" # YouTube – RIP SLYME: Dandelion [PV – Eng Subs] # Dandelion RIP SLYME 歌詞情報 – goo…

Lazy Kanji Cards: A New (?) SRS Card Format

The Principle: Fun Gets Done “fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better” | The Fun Theory Dot Com I have previously written about SRS card formatting for learning kanji. Recently, however, I have had a bit of a new epiphany on the subject. Many of you know this already, but…

Space…the final frontier [Star Trek in Chinese]

I’ve been enjoying the new Star Trek movie (#11?) in Mandarin today…Right now it looks like I may just have to go to Hong Kong in person to snag a Cantonese version. Anyway, here’s the famous intro/outro with audio: 『宇宙,人類的終極邊疆。這就是星艦「企業」號的旅程。 它的任務是探索全新的世界,挖掘新的物種和文明,勇敢地前往沒有人去過的地方。』 [Audio file] Shortest AJATT post ever…