Hey Team. Today’s is a guest post by Maya, whom you may know as one of AJATT’s most prolific contributors of sweet links of the “reliving childhood joy” variety. Recently, she’s also enjoyed great SRS success with extensive one-by-one deletion of crappy cards. Anyway, the being known as Maya has now graduated from simply being…
Learning Songs Using the SRS: My Current Method
by khatzumoto
Just by way of sharing concrete tactics (rather than, I guess, the abstract strategy I usually share (?)), I thought I’d write about how I learn songs using the SRS. Keep in mind that this is just what I do right now. Yes, I am the Great Khatzumoto, but you know what? Really I’m just…
Success Story: I’ve finally figured out this AJATT thing
by khatzumoto
Drewskie sent me this really cool email the autre jour. You may know him from comments 😀 , being as it is that he is incredibly good-looking and has wonderful taste in blogs. Here he is in his own words (links and emphasis added by me): [勝]元先輩、[Khatzumoto-sempai] Maybe it’s that I finally found some really…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-03-20
by khatzumoto
Debunking the Myth that Chinese is the World’s Most Difficult Language bit.ly/cxBlpe # Autodidactic Language Learning » Justin-Klein.com – Life of a Traveling Programmer bit.ly/9Rlm1T # "Stereotypes and the fragility of academic competence, motivation, and self-concept" bit.ly/bXFx53 # YouTube – RIP SLYME: Dandelion [PV – Eng Subs] bit.ly/aMKpM0 # Dandelion RIP SLYME 歌詞情報 – goo…
Lazy Kanji Cards: A New (?) SRS Card Format
by khatzumoto
The Principle: Fun Gets Done “fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better” | The Fun Theory Dot Com I have previously written about SRS card formatting for learning kanji. Recently, however, I have had a bit of a new epiphany on the subject. Many of you know this already, but…
Space…the final frontier [Star Trek in Chinese]
by khatzumoto
I’ve been enjoying the new Star Trek movie (#11?) in Mandarin today…Right now it looks like I may just have to go to Hong Kong in person to snag a Cantonese version. Anyway, here’s the famous intro/outro with audio: 『宇宙,人類的終極邊疆。這就是星艦「企業」號的旅程。 它的任務是探索全新的世界,挖掘新的物種和文明,勇敢地前往沒有人去過的地方。』 [Audio file] Shortest AJATT post ever…