「悩んだり迷って居ても前には進めません。 走り出せば、必ず何かを得る事が出来るんです。」 bit.ly/dBpk94 # My current audio split settings: 8-second split, 4-second forward overlap; 12 seconds total. bit.ly/bSyeLF # Met a tour group from Hong Kong this morning (here in Japan). Got to speak #Cantonese with the operator 😀 # Momoko's just-so-crazy-that-it's-bound-to-work idea=go on a tour right in your home town/country with a group from…
Language-Learning As Gun Violence: Frequency and Quantity
by khatzumoto
Think of your L2 as a hail of bullets. You get “shot” by exposing yourself to media — by putting yourself in the path of the bullets. (Un?)fortunately, your brain, by way of the forgetting mechanism, is able to “heal” itself, erasing the effects of the bullets. As it turns out, though, your brain is…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-04-03
by khatzumoto
TL(タイムライン)とは | Twitterまとめサイト "TL(タイムライン)とは " bit.ly/ar1aqC # Time and attention quite often come in tiny, meaningless-looking slices — not massive, shiny blocks. Use them as such. # 今起きたばかり – Google 搜尋 bit.ly/cy7Sz2 # 門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む bit.ly/b5ClLu # @LITMK 門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む bit.ly/b5ClLu 😀 in reply to LITMK # Easy immersion/contact: watch one L2 movie per day. # 「ソニーの設立趣意書は有名ですね。…
Japanese Music Recommendations from AJATTeers
by khatzumoto
Comments have a way of getting lost here in the vastness of AJATTistan. So, for purposes of future referential convenience, here are some comprehensive music recommendations from recent comments by AJATTeers.
Lazy Kanji Cards: An AJATTeer Shares A Personal Status Report
by khatzumoto
Jimmy L. is a member of that proudest, most handsome breed of human beings: AJATTeers. This proud, handsome man recently sent me an email wherein he shares a sitrep (situation report) on his progress with the lazy kanji card format we discussed a short time ago. Jimmy isn’t just good-looking. He’s also blindingly insightful. He has put…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-03-27
by khatzumoto
YouTube – 陳奕迅 – 愛是懷疑 ktv.playinmel.com bit.ly/bhKgy2 # 心理学は科学ですか? – Yahoo!知恵袋 "心理学は、哲学から派生して、「哲学離れ」「科学の仲間入り」をずっと志向してきた学問分野です。" bit.ly/bB8IZG # YouTube – 周杰倫 – 火車叨位去 [KTV] ktv.playinmel.com bit.ly/bClcgA # Has a nice Bone Thugs N' Harmony vibe to it 😀 YouTube – 陳冠希-香港地KTV bit.ly/cAI13D # ハッカーと画家 vs Joel on Software bit.ly/dwDfOo # The true purpose of rules and routine is not…