YouTube – ここがヘンだよ日本人「日本の少年・少女と外国人」 ケビン・クローン YouTube – “鈴木紗理奈” # YouTube – 太田光の私が総理大臣になったら秘書田中 # Biological fatalism is perhaps the core flaw in Anglo-Saxon culture. It has hurt everyone, including Anglo-Saxons. # YouTube – M☆A☆G☆I☆C 久保田利伸 meets KREVA # Stand up for yourself. When you stop giving up, people give up trying to stop you.…
Beyond Binging and Purging: Why You Maybe Sometimes Shouldn’t Try Overcorrecting When You Screw Up
by khatzumoto
Whatever your goals this year, you will fall off the horse at some point. Probably. Perhaps you already have. If and when you do fall off, get back on it like nothing happened. Redraw. New point. Because the temptation will be to purge the binge or binge the purge. But the binge-purge cycle is as…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-01-09
by khatzumoto
Use as much sugar as you need to make the medicine go down. Use more sugar than medicine if you want. # If you want to learn how to write business emails in Japanese, then get this book. It’s funbun (for-native-by-native) # I didn’t actually coin the word “funbun”, by the way. These boys…
Mixing Languages As A Transitional Phase Before Full Proficiency
by khatzumoto
Recently over on the le das Twitter, the great @papajohn and I have been having a ball using Chinglish with each other. Below are some samples of our exchanges. John’s messages contained classified information, so I shan’t reproduce them here. Oh, I didn’t tell you? Yeah, we’re totally spies, dude. What, you didn’t think it…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-01-02
by khatzumoto
Use as much sugar as you need to make the medicine go down. Use more sugar than medicine if you want. # Goalwise, forget that it’s New Year’s. You don’t need a big event. You need small events, small choices, small actions. # Change here. Change now. Don’t depend on Pope Gregory XIII and his…
Potheads, Planners and Players
by khatzumoto
It’s New Year’s. So freaking what? It’s just another day. We all need to calm down a little. Even me telling you to calm down is probably just fueling the excitement, isn’t it? Are you going to make a resolution? Good luck with that. I doubt you’ll even remember it by early March. Screw resolutions.…