While Surusu’s automated card rescheduling and salami-slicing (essentially, showing you only N number of cards at a time) is one of its strengths, sometimes you do want to do a ton of reps uninterrupted. So, by popular demand, I have added a new feauture dubbed “autofeed cards”. Basically it causes Surusu to keep “feeding” you…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-11-28
by khatzumoto
SRS: garbage in, garbage out. # Don’t bother arguing: “Better give your path to a dog than be bitten by him in contesting for the right.” I said DON’T ARGUE!!! # MAGAZINES: the unsong heroes of language learning materials. The textiness and mini-chunkiness of books meets the image-heaviness of comics. # Pick sentences based on…
The Language Learner’s Prayer
by khatzumoto
I know you have kids. I know you have a job. I know you’re busy. I know your friends are making fun of you. I know your spouse is giving you funny looks. I know people make double-takes when they see you holding a Japanese book. I know you live in the boonies and there…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-11-21
by khatzumoto
“Thoughts on SRS content selection… 1. Be liberal when adding material. 2. Be liberal when deleting material.” bit.ly/KYR4s # Are you playing? You’d better be, if you know what’s good for you! # 語学力って、現代の技術では結局、お金ではなく、時間でしか買えないのだ。 幾ら金払ったって、時間を投資してない限り、「高物買いの銭失い」に成るのが落ち。 逆に申すと、大したお� # LeechBlock for the win! :: Firefox 附加元件 bit.ly/3MHNTY # Dreading your SRS reps? That’s a good sign that…
Ululation! QRG The Movie Is Here!
by khatzumoto
The QRG video has arrived! The QRG video, nicknamed “QRG: The Movie” is a video supplement to the best-selling ebook of similar name — the quick-start, action-oriented, no-nonsense AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QRG). As is the custom here at AJATT, let me be the very first to tell you precisely and in no uncertain words:…
Why The Way We Read Sucks and How to Fix It: Part 4 — Why SRS Personal Development Books?
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Why The Way We Read Sucks, And How To Fix ItThis is the fourth article in an ongoing series. To read this series from the beginning, go here. Now that we’ve talked about the Unified Reading Process (check out the previous article in the series)…