
Surusu Update: Autofeed Cards

While Surusu’s automated card rescheduling and salami-slicing (essentially, showing you only N number of cards at a time) is one of its strengths, sometimes you do want to do a ton of reps uninterrupted. So, by popular demand, I have added a new feauture dubbed “autofeed cards”. Basically it causes Surusu to keep “feeding” you…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-11-28

SRS: garbage in, garbage out. # Don’t bother arguing: “Better give your path to a dog than be bitten by him in contesting for the right.” I said DON’T ARGUE!!! # MAGAZINES: the unsong heroes of language learning materials. The textiness and mini-chunkiness of books meets the image-heaviness of comics. # Pick sentences based on…

The Language Learner’s Prayer

I know you have kids. I know you have a job. I know you’re busy. I know your friends are making fun of you. I know your spouse is giving you funny looks. I know people make double-takes when they see you holding a Japanese book. I know you live in the boonies and there…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-11-21

“Thoughts on SRS content selection… 1. Be liberal when adding material. 2. Be liberal when deleting material.” # Are you playing? You’d better be, if you know what’s good for you! # 語学力って、現代の技術では結局、お金ではなく、時間でしか買えないのだ。 幾ら金払ったって、時間を投資してない限り、「高物買いの銭失い」に成るのが落ち。 逆に申すと、大したお� # LeechBlock for the win! :: Firefox 附加元件 # Dreading your SRS reps? That’s a good sign that…

Ululation! QRG The Movie Is Here!

The QRG video has arrived! The QRG video, nicknamed “QRG: The Movie” is a video supplement to the best-selling ebook of similar name — the quick-start, action-oriented, no-nonsense AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QRG). As is the custom here at AJATT, let me be the very first to tell you precisely and in no uncertain words:…