- “Thoughts on SRS content selection…
1. Be liberal when adding material.
2. Be liberal when deleting material.”
bit.ly/KYR4s # - Are you playing? You’d better be, if you know what’s good for you! #
- 語学力って、現代の技術では結局、お金ではなく、時間でしか買えないのだ。
逆に申すと、大したお� # - LeechBlock for the win! :: Firefox 附加元件 bit.ly/3MHNTY #
- Dreading your SRS reps? That’s a good sign that you’ve gots some deletings to do! LOTS of deleting. #
- Perhaps the secret to getting good is to enjoy the state of actually learning (decreasing ignorance) more than the state of already knowing. #
- Look out, sliced bread, here comes…
Characterizer – Japanese and Chinese 字haracter Reinforcement :: Firefox 附加元件 bit.ly/4xNXr1 # - Characterizer gems: “刃lade” #
- 「Yeah!BOY! ライカ フレイバー 皆 独自なプレイヤー」
bit.ly/2DuQBb # - The SRS can tell us what we need to review, but not what we need to know. That’s up to us to decide. That’s why we must both delete and add. #
- SRS is like a calculator in that inputs reflect outputs. If we don’t put fun stuff into the SRS, then SRSing is unlikely to be fun. #
- You stop sucking. But you never stop learning. #
- 緊急速報!大発見!林檎芯抜き器は、柿でも効くんだよ!
実際に柿を食べる事は餘り無いけど・・・ # - From @blacktokyo
マンガで読むニュース 漫画の新聞 bit.ly/EGTDz
v(≧∇≦)v イエイ~! # - Struggle may appeal to the would-be tragic heroine inside us, but “short, fun and easy” is the stuff that gets done habitually. #
- Always attempt in small chunks only. Even when you have a lot of time. Consistent action is not all or nothing; it’s small or nothing. #
- 「體重指數」。今でも漢字の造語力に感激する。
bit.ly/1KcMPm # - Small or nothing. #
- These beets are fresh!
YouTube – Luxury ride feat. ZEEBRA PV- Foxxi misQ bit.ly/1JprEH # - 行き成り大きな事を遣ろうとする(或いは遣れと言われる)と、人間は大体思考も行動も停止して了う。矢張り「スモールオアナシング」にせんと開かん。実行単位を馬鹿馬鹿しいほど小さ #
- Our opinions about entire peoples generally come down to experiences with one or two individuals, plus some minor-to-specious corroborations #
- Ah piddy da foo who isn’t reading comics in her target language. #
- 懐かしいね~Ah piddy da fooって・・・ #
- NYPD! 逃げる 野郎は パンチで ドツく!! #
- 戦う価値 無いのだなんて、言わないで呉れ~!
“Don’t tyeeeell me, it’s naht worth fightin’ fooooooooooooooooooooor” # - 知ってんだろ?!俺が遣る事・・・ヲォォオオ 全部お前の為だぞぉぉ “Ya knooww it’s truuu, everythang I dooo…Whooooa…I do it for yeeew!” #
- Respect Japanese less. Don’t treat it with so much reverence. Think “oh yeah, Japanese…psssh…any hair-dyeing idiot can learn *that*”. #
- Perhaps “small or nothing” is inapplicable in some situations. But even when doing BIG things, we can only continue over *small* timeframes. #
- Typically with “small or nothing”, though, both the timeframe and the action are small. Once in a while, for a short time, we do sth. BIG 😀 #
- Afraid of deleting your bad SRS items because of all the time invested? Well, how about when the boredom makes you quit your L2 altogether? #
- 「人と成りしは童のことを捨てたり」ってか俺は全然捨ててないんだけど・・・(^^) #
- Always do Japanese. Never do boredom. #
- 「儂」(わし)に漢字が有るなんて知らなかった!しかも田舎者らしく「農」って字が付いていて・・・ピッタリじゃんw。 #
- 「田舎者らしく」っちゅうより、「田舎者を示唆する」か。
まいっか。 # - The most important quality of an AJATTeer is arrogance. The gall to go against the grain, and even go against going against the grain :)~ #
- Idea for limiting less-than-healthy food: limit (timebox) the consumption time rather than the consumption quantity. Same effect, more fun. #
- Not that I would know… 😀 #
- 「規模是前所未見,聞所未聞。」
bit.ly/1Lxmqt # - 「量の蓄積による質的変化」
齋藤 孝 (単行本(ソフトカバー) – Aug 21,… の ‘「読む・書く・話す」を一瞬でモノにする技術’ を Amazon でチェック! bit.ly/1LBUZz # - “A lie told often enough becomes the truth”…Corollary: a truth not told often enough becomes a lie. Or at least gets treated like one. #
- 野心と自信を同時に持つと初めて成功が生まれるかも知れない。
そういう意味で # - The great thing about the SRS isn’t that it helps me review, but that it allows me to NOT review. It lets me let go, at just the right time. #
- Thinking: make your SRS reps as easy as possible to do. Win on quantity of cards & reps, and through that produce quality. Also: FUN FUN FUN #
- Ironically, reducing SRS cards actually *increases* quantity added/reviewed in the long run, since removing duds makes things more fun. #
- And as we all know: what’s fun, gets done. #
- Self-fulfilling prophecy: Win before you win so you can win when it’s time to win. #
- 「十人十色」(ジュウニントイロ)を、
ずっと「ジュウニンジッショク」と読んでたんだよコンチクショー #
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