The other day, a handsome young AJATTeer (and South Park fan) named MGV sent me this handsome email: On your site, which is awesome, you mention that you should spend 18-24 hours a day doing something/anything in Japanese. I’m in high school, grade 10. I have school Monday-Friday. I worked it out on a piece…
Managing Greed: How To Deal With Your Language Lust
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Language And SocietyThis is the third and probably final post in a multi-part series on Language and Society. Here is the first post. Languagelust. It is a disease. It is contagious. And you have it. People who learn a language other than their original “native”…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-10-17
by khatzumoto
Surusu: backup in progress 😀 # よく「日本のユーモアに皮肉は無い」と外人は言う。けれど、本当は日本語の理解力が、まだ皮肉に気付くレベルに達していないだけなんじゃないの?心の琴線が触れられるには、先ずは琴 # “language is about putting in the hours. If you want to learn it fast, you just put in more hours a day” # “reading is one of those things that recedes if it is not used” # 『一般的な「天才」の定義は大いに誤解を招きます。 「天才」とは、ある対象に優れた才能を持っている人ではありません。 「天才」とは、ある対象に異常な愛着を持っている人です。� # 複雑な練習は、練習じゃない。 退屈な練習も、練習じゃない。 単純で楽しい行為の繰り返し。 これこそ練習。…
Language As An Investment
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Language And SocietyThis entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Language As An InvestmentThis is the second post in a multi-part series on Language and Society. Here is the first post. Long ago, Sir Isaac Newton gave us three laws of motion… But…
How Do I Learn 500 Languages At Once?!
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Language And SocietyThis is the first post of a multi-part series on Language and Society (yes, I was deliberately looking for the dryest, most lifeless-sounding topic title ever 😀 ). The largest problem that would-be language learners have faced, especially with Asian languages (though not…
Surusu Update: Decks! et alia
by khatzumoto
After a lot of tiny Surusu updates comes a big ‘un. A long awaited feature is here at last: decks. The semantics are the same as for a physical deck of cards, in that a card belongs to one and only one deck, but can be moved freely between them. Now, you can: Combine/import your…